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Wow I did not read every post here but I have never seen so many people anxious to paint them selves into a corner with little or no alternative since... well since I came to work this morening LOL.

Only one kind of computer is the best, only one kinda programming language is the best, only one kinda O/S is the best. I have no simpathy for those that would so willingly put all thier eggs into one basket and proclaim that this basket is the only kinda basket that can ever be considered worthy of my hands.

If I want to set up a website I do it on the RedHat box and deploy to the linux server.
If I want to edit some video or work with sound then the Mac boxes do the job really well.
If I just want to goof around or test some new software I have no problems dumping it onto a win2k or XP machine.

Most of my machines have cost little or nothing to aquire so I know that it is not price that drives people to these attitudes. I see it at work alot in peoples zest to promote the handful of things that they know, understand, and are willing to use they will discriminate against all others regardless of reasoning.

There are many alternatives to moving the data to mac, XML come to mind but most folk are not that puter savvy. I like my OW instructors method. He paid $25 for a laptop with win98 and it's only purpose for existance is to download and print out the logs from his $900 suunto. Sorry guys but I can not willing lock myself into a single solitary thing without alternatives especially when it comes to computers. Ok I'll get my second cup of java with a side of "shut the heck up" stop soap boxing.

Now back to your reagularly scheduled thread...
OUCH!!! watch where you throw that anker pal... LOL

You are so right. But who really wants more than one OS. One could argue this for Centuries, but lets not. I know one of the top HD post production houses in Atlanta and the only Mac they have is for making labels.

Me personally, I hate the fact of just that... having an additional machine just to download from a $1700 wristband. Even if it is a virtual one. Like I told the Intuit Lady during a beta test, we ARE a bunch of whiners, but give us a good product and we are loyal... until the next big shinny thing comes along... is an all mac shop. We have had this discussion with many vendors over the years and they all say the same thing. "Not enough market share to make it worth their while". Hopefully a thread like this will let them know that there are MANY customers out there dying for a product like this.

Unfortunitly this is not new. There are still a few out there that use a serial interface.
My 8500 is running my Model trains from a serial interface just fine. I don't think OSX likes any Mac with a serial port though.
As far as I know OS X is fine with serial ports, the Xserves have them and the adaptors work without drivers, so far as aI know. Remember it is based on BSD unix which works with serial

1.33 GHz ibook
Dual G4 450MHz powermac
What I meant was any Mac that originally came with serial ports will not run OSX very well, if at all. There are some exceptions, but Xserves are by no means mainstream. You have to apply a patch to even get OSX to load on an 8500. I can't remember if the original G3 towers had serial ports, but even if they did OSX has got to be painfully slow on those machines.
I have 2 Mac's and i think that thay are realy out of this world, I am just so upset (cant say what i would like to say) that i cant get any programs for my Stinger. I also would like to get a VR3 but i am having second thoughts as thay don't do any thing for the Mac.
I have 2 Mac's and i think that thay are realy out of this world, I am just so upset (cant say what i would like to say) that i cant get any programs for my Stinger. I also would like to get a VR3 but i am having second thoughts as thay don't do any thing for the Mac.

Welcome Jamingood.

Not true. One software which does work with the Stinger is DiveLog... and check out the others that I have posted links for also. Not sure which others will support your Stinger or not.

Now you may need to get a Serial to USB adapter to be able to connect with, but our Mac community of Diver/Programmers are hard at work creating good things every day.

Biggest problem, like I mentioned, are the Manufactures not allowing Developers to do there thing. Now Suunto has said they are planning to release a DevKit some time over the horizon... and we all know how far that really is!

Keep the faith.
i am going to pursue creating an app for my atmos 2, however seems to have disappeared. It looks like they didnt renew their domain. Does anyone know whats going on with aeris? Are they still in business? My guess is they forgot the login credentials to their registrar, and need to reregister the domain.

Anyways, I will start with my atmos2 if i can get any info from aeris, preferably an sdk. If i cannot get anything from them, then the project will probably go nowhere.

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