I have only read up to page 3, so far, but I got this urge to add my two cents (so flog me with the cat-o-nine's if I iritate)
1. Thanks for the psot, Don. From the responses, I do not dare do what you did the in future. I can see myself in a similar situation and doing what you did. Don't ask me why, I just might have done what you did in your sitaution.
2. If I were in your position (which I was not) I may have gone down for a bit to 20 ft, and if I had the "air" (whatever the form), I may have ventured down all the way like Don did (ok shame on me). However, with the responses, I know to tell myself "no" if I am ever faced with what you are faced with Don.
3. When I was getting my cert dives for PADI OW in a low vis quarry in wisconsin, we did a "no line" descent in what I considered near blackness (due to low vis from algae, not lack of light). There was some miscommunication at the surface between the instructor and me and another student. Original plan I thoght was to descend together with no line to the bottom that sloped down at a 45 degree angle (scary if you are not perfectly aligned in the vertical position,,,poosky poosky). My mind is fading me because the cert dives were in 1987, but I know it was an uneasy feeling and situation because it semed like the plans were unclear in the middle of the task. The instrutor descended and I descended with him and the other sytudent. However the instructor seemed to be focused on the other student, keeping an arms grip on the descent. We surfaced, and the instructor was oblivious to me and I was not sure if he was looking for me, if he thought i was supposed to wait at the surface for a one on one descent and ascent, or if he missed me on the bottom, i dont know. But I felt it better to stick together regardless of mine or his misunderstanding. The instructor and the student descended again, and I followed. When we got to the bottom, he monitored some tasks with the other student, but I did not know if he knew that I was down with him. Long story short, I too chose to descend to stay with the group, regardless of any question on the instructions. On thebottom after the second descent, I slapped the instructor on his lower leg to get his attention, and I gave the shoulder shrug as to indicate, "what's the plan". he did not giver any lear instruction, which was awkward (I just thought, umm, ok...this is weird)
4. ON a second case study: I kind of feel great shame when I loose contact with a buddy. One time in Cozumel, I teamed up with a new buddy. He sucked down air like vacuum. He was busy taking pictures (Don is this you when you take pictures?), and maintaned very little consciousness regarding his location relative to mine. I kept a watchful eye on him throughout the dive, until, as luck would have it, I took my eye off of him, and then turned around to see where he was. Nothing, he vanished, or so I thought. I was new to diving, and forgot that he could be way above me at the surface. Others in the group asked me where he was by doing the two index finger signal for where's your buddy (or buddy up, depending on the situation). Well, as it turns out he siganled to the dive master leading the group that he was at 700# and was asending. He failed to let me know, whatsoever, and when I looked up, he was at 15 ft doing a routine safety stop without me. I slowly ascended and did my stop, and after 3 minutes, he surfaced followed by me. This was the first of a two tank dive. So on the boat, he told me he did not want to shorten my dive. I told him, we surface/ascend together, PERIOD! I told him to hit me on the leg hard to get my attention, but don't ascend without me. Long story short, I was quite pissed because I felt shame for something that I believe was his fault and poor diving habit. The dive was oly to 60 ft, max.
5. Here is one last related story about surfacing without a buddy. This one, you can call me all sorts of nasty names, including you. Homey. Feel free to roast me. There were three buddyless divers, me and two others, that ended up on a boat in Key Largo. One was used to solo diving with no pony tank and regularly dove in kelp areas in california (what a nut). The other, was kind of reserved, liking solitude, and as I learned through the course of the two tank dives, had no real care to buddy up with anyone (buddy? whats that? Is it really important?). Both dives were shallow to less than 30 ft. The first dive was unbearable. Both of these guys wanted to go off in two separate direactions. I felt like I was tied to two horses being pulled apart / quarterd, trying to keep watch of where these two divers (my buddies) were at during the duration of the dive. The visability was great, and we were separated by 50 to 75 ft at times, with me stringing the gap between all three. As it turned out, one of the divers (the kelp solo guy) lost his camera, and was searching for it on the seabottom, we were 30 minutes into the dive and he finally signalled to me. I motioned lets go up to him, to sort it out (and so we could stick together and enjoy the god aweful dive...or at least so I could

) I siganalled the third buddy that we were surfacing, and I thought he would follow, but I learned he resisted. The lost camera / kelp buddy and I swam / navigated backto the boat without the third buddy and surfaced to talk about the camera and to ask the boat if they saw it. The buddy was lucky, because the camera floated, and was picked up by the boat. So with great relief, we went back down to look for the other buddy (we had air and bottom time). We found him, completd the rest of the dive. When me and the camera buddy were low on air, we signaled amonst the three of us to surface. All three of us swam to the boat, but only the camera buddy and I surfaced. We got on the boat, and it was clear the third buddy was intent on solo diving, hanging out on the bottom below the boat to use up all his air. I was mad, but only mad because I did not want to be faced with any guilt if something went wrong with him, even though he was at less than 30 ft. OK, maybe I am too paranoid or over protected...grill me. On the boat, I noticed he had a pony bottle, and felt a little better. The three of us did the second dive, and we could not seem to stay together or agree on a direction to take in the dive to see neat stuff. I finally told myself, screw it. The third resisting buddy had an alternate source of air, the pony, so I signalled to the camera buddy that we will just swim off without the third buddy under this justification of the alternate air source and that only single redundancy (not double meaning a buddy and a pony) was required for a safe dive. The camera buddy seemed more than happy to do so. We enjoyed the dive better, and when we navigated back to the boat, we found the third buddy right where we left him, safe and sound.
You may be asking why I rambled on, but my point is that a bullheaded attitude to always be the leader with a resistance to follow sometimes or to act as a team together may piss off other buddies. I am not sure if this is why Don's third buddy seemed a bit peeved or not. I know that for the short length that I take any pictures, I am oblivious to everything else around me. If I take tons of pictures (which I never do), I would probably be unaware of my buddy and the rest of the group, so much so to require a babysitter underwater. Although you may assume that the other buddy was resistant to sticking together, it sounds like maybe there is a remote chance that from the buddy's perspective, you actually expected him to follow you all around for your snap shots, wanting nothing to do with watching out for him or sticking together for his own pace. Just a differnt view, and I think someone raised this question. If this is the case, I expect that the third buddy may feel anger, and perhaps shame for loosing contact with you. Unless both (or all three) buddies act as buddies to really stick together, there may be separation and someone is going to be pissed. Don, you mentioned you were hot headed. Maybe the lost buddy was steamed and needed to get away before he was given the opportunity to get face to face with you and strangle you, literally.
Anyway, just food for thought.