BP/W is just a tool

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Over the weekend I re-adjusted my harness and today did a little testing.

1. The BP/W was very comfortable with 3mm suit.
2. The BP/W made me negatively buoyant in a 3mm so I switched to a 5mm. Nice!

I ran a series of tests in the pool with BP/W with HP100. No additional weight. First horizontal balance while neutral without effort in prone position. Then in supine position. Then on left side, right side. Swimming a few laps neutral switching from left side to right side, then a few laps neutral but supine. Then I twisted hard from side to side trying to make the tank wobble.

Well, it was really comfortable, I couldn't make the tank wobble, and neutral buoyancy in all positions felt natural.

Then I switched the HP 100 over to my Ranger and changed into a 3mm suit with no additional weight. I taught a class in the configuration after which, ran my same tests. Results were pretty much identical to the first round of tests.

Conclusion 1: The backplate and wing was outstanding once it was adjusted correctly.
Conclusion 2: The Ranger was outstanding, but It fits like a glove and I took a little time to make minor adjustments to it as well.

Conclusion 3: I can't believe how badly I have polarized my own brain! Part of me wants to kick my own a$$ for liking a BC and the other part want to whoop my own butt for being a shill for the BP/W retailers.
Over the weekend I re-adjusted my harness and today did a little testing.

1. The BP/W was very comfortable with 3mm suit.
2. The BP/W made me negatively buoyant in a 3mm so I switched to a 5mm. Nice!

I ran a series of tests in the pool with BP/W with HP100. No additional weight. First horizontal balance while neutral without effort in prone position. Then in supine position. Then on left side, right side. Swimming a few laps neutral switching from left side to right side, then a few laps neutral but supine. Then I twisted hard from side to side trying to make the tank wobble.

Well, it was really comfortable, I couldn't make the tank wobble, and neutral buoyancy in all positions felt natural.

Then I switched the HP 100 over to my Ranger and changed into a 3mm suit with no additional weight. I taught a class in the configuration after which, ran my same tests. Results were pretty much identical to the first round of tests.

Conclusion 1: The backplate and wing was outstanding once it was adjusted correctly.
Conclusion 2: The Ranger was outstanding, but It fits like a glove and I took a little time to make minor adjustments to it as well.

Conclusion 3: I can't believe how badly I have polarized my own brain! Part of me wants to kick my own a$$ for liking a BC and the other part want to whoop my own butt for being a shill for the BP/W retailers.


Kudos for revisiting your BP&W set up, and specifically reporting the results here.

Rare is the person who would listen to the unsolicited advice of others that runs counter to their thesis. Rarer still is one who would publicly report the outcome.

If you ever get out to SoCal look me up. I'd be happy to dive with you whether you use your BP&W or your Ranger.

I was sitting land locked in Indiana in the mid 70's when I think Skin Diver magazine did a story on Frank crediting him as the Father of drift diving.

If anyone is savvy enough to find that article, I would do hand flips and buy him or her mass quantities of barley pop or beverage of choice.


I am pleased to announce that less than one hour ago I spoke with the living legend himself, Mr. Frank Hammett, and he said to tell everyone that while he has now given up diving, he is alive and well and in good health!

After reading what Dan wrote about Mr. Hammett and also reading the article linked about him, I guess I had to know if he was still among us. So after a little internet research and knowing he may be in Virginia, I found a phone numer and called and left a message. Lo and behold he returned my call and I think he really got a kick out of my phone call and I could tell it made him feel very proud that his name was mentioned as being one of the all time greats in the sport.

Dan, he remembered you and told me to say a special hello to you and hoped all was well with you!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming!
I think he is still alive, and living in Virginia......I would love to find him and catch up with him on diving, and life in general. How to do this is another story. He is not exactly the internet guru....I doubt he even has an email address.

Dan, I work with Frank's nephew who runs our agency's yacht insurance division. Frank lives in West Virginia. If anybody wants anything from Frank let me know and I will relay.

Splitlip, I will take that challenge but pay-off is a spot on Hypnautical Charters. I am in training so that I can at least draft behind Dan on a road bike ride...
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Dan, I work with Frank's nephew who runs our agency's yacht insurance division. Frank lives in West Virginia. If anybody wants anything from Frank let me know and I will relay.

Splitlip, I will take that challenge but pay-off is a spot on Hypnautical Charters. I am in training so that I can at least draft behind Dan on a road bike ride...

I will be calling Frank later today!

So when are you going to do a bike ride with Sandra and I ?
I will be calling Frank later today!

So when are you going to do a bike ride with Sandra and I ?

As soon as a acquire a road bike. I am getting back into the fold on my hybrid bike. I will call you later...

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