Well another 12 hours on the road, but another great weekend of diving.
James, Jason, Kevin, Alan, Tim, and my CO partner Dan had two very nice dives on Sunday together. That's people from three states, four sets of doubles, five BP/W Dir setups (minus my Applo bio splits, definately NOT DIR), and a hodge podge of gear.
Tim was the New guy, and definately hit the jackpot hiring Kevin's dive shop at random for a dive with an instructor for two dives trip to the hole. He ended up diving my Zeagle Back Inflate on two of the dives. His reg was a group contribution! My first stage blew a seal on Saturday, so I was using Dan's backup first. Tim ended up with Dan's first, my hoses and guages, and Jason's Second stage (mouthpeice and reg only, but my hose..doh! My second had a comf-o-bite Mouthpeice...). Holy mixed Parts BatBoy, that was one DONATED setup! Tim was very thrilled with the Zeagle BC, and I'm betting he enjoyed the BP/W which he was going to use on a third dive after Dan and I vacated!
He indicated he could never find Dive Buddies to go with him to the Hole. Well THAT just changed in a big way!

A better group of dive buddy's could likely NOT be found within a thousand miles of ABQ, and here he stumbles across these tech diving Dudes all by chance!
My big breakthrough was, I CAN get in and out of a HOG harness! It just took a bit of instruction from Kevin, and a bit determinatin on my part. After two more dives with the BP/W, and paying close attention to my current setup, and then the BP/W setup during two days of diving, I'm on the road to getting a BP/W for Drysuit diving, and maybe I'll go to it full time... Undecided on that.
You guys are a great group of divers, and fun to be around! This time I'm going to try and retain the names, but I suck at names, so we shall see!
I don't know when I will next get to the Hole, but as Arnond says... I'll be BACK! :11: