Blacktip Settings Changes Help Needed

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The cable is a Micro USB (Male) to USB (Male) Cable that connects to the DPV and to your Windows PC.
The instructions are here

I used three different cables before I was able to get a connection between the DPV and the PC. Apparently some of those type cables are only suitable for charging -- the one that ended up working was designed for data transfer.

@Manatee Diver I also made the default startup speed "FOUR". ($d4 )
Lastly I made the Migrate Rate 1,000,000. ($m1000000)

I don't mind the speed migration when it's changing the scooter to be slower on startup. But, I really did not like it when it would make the scooter restart at a faster gear than what I was using when I stopped. If I'm creeping along at speed 1 and stop, when I restart I want it to start up still at speed 1.

The custom firmware from Ben Woodill implements that. I.e. it gets rid of speed migration for gears that are lower than your default start speed.

It also adds cruise control, reverse, and a "jump speed" option where hit the right number of trigger taps and it will jump from wherever you are all the way to speed 8.

Highly recommended and should be easy to load up now that you've got the VESC tool working for you.
The custom firmware from Ben Woodill implements that.
I have seen reference to that, but am too lazy to search. Do you have the link handy?
The firmware is here. You have to look through the branches to find the correct version for the hardware that is in your BT.

This looks complicated ... *IF* I want a "Reverse" function and a "Cruise Control" function is this where I find out how to do it?
This looks complicated ... *IF* I want a "Reverse" function and a "Cruise Control" function is this where I find out how to do it?
It is complicated, but yes, 'reverse' and 'cruise control' aren't available in the Dive Xtras factory firmware. If you start at the Github landing page that @stuartv linked you can easily get the impression that the open source software there will work on an older Blacktip but won't work on your newer one. You have to understand that Github has branches, and you have to select the right branch for your George 0.4 firmware version. The members only FB page for BT/Tech has posts about people who have bricked their scooter attempting the modification. Once you get a newbie's acquaintance with Github and get on the right branch it gets better. You have already downloaded VESC and done the connection, so that part won't stump you.



The labelling of the branch you probably want as "stale" while the original branch that works with old firmware and would brick your new BT as "master" is also pretty confusing.

But on the plus side you get an introduction to open source software repositories!
The members only FB page for BT/Tech has posts about people who have bricked their scooter attempting the modification.
Yea I read about that. I have enough bricks. :cool:
Yea I read about that. I have enough bricks. :cool:

Also voids the warranty. Unlike you, I'm new to Scooters but relatively familiar with Github and compiling open source software. But I've decided to make the Dive Xtras mods you made in the factory Dive Xtras firmware, and pass on 'cruise control' at least until my warranty expires! I'm too new to the Scooter to comprehend how 'reverse' might be useful, but my wild guess might be in a restriction somewhere in a cave or wreck.
I'm too new to the Scooter to comprehend how 'reverse' might be useful, but my wild guess might be in a restriction somewhere in a cave or wreck.
I dunno if I'd ever use it - it would be a good option, maybe. Cruise control on my SS scooters was simply a friction/mechanical "LOCK" on the throttle to keep it in place, also very easy to take cruise off.

I think I'll wait too on the warranty especially since the DPV was a gift from a cave student.

Did about 5000 total feet over two dives on the BT at Devils' Eye/Ear. Average speed probably four.
The settings changes are good especially getting rid of the three second delay. At the end of the day the battery icon was as shown on the photo below. Buoyancy changes between the surface and 100 feet are negligible/un-noticeable to me.

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