Banana drama

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So far the no-banana resolution - SUCCESS
now how about women?
I like both, and I got the bananas controlled with no new fruit fly hatchlings since I put the ripe ones in the fridge. I said that water and liquid detergent failed as a fruit fly trap but not really; it does work, did work last night - but won't work fast enough if I have ripe fruit setting out.

I gave up on controlling women long long ago, but a good compromise would be nice. :eyebrow:

Mmmmmm Banana Split...!

As for the banana issue, I respect the Captain's wishes, though I would prefer he relay them in a respectful manner. I can roll my eyes at his beliefs, but that doesn't make them any less valid in his eyes, and it is his boat.

So if the moderators of this board (we'll refer to them as Captains :D) got together and based on a story handed down to them by a couple of grandmothers in the group, they deemed it bad luck to post on an internet forum while fully clothed. Therefore, they respectfully asked you post only in the nude, would you comply? Or the taxi driver that you desperately need says the luggage you want him to transport is considered a bad omen and asks you to leave it behind, would you comply? Likely, you would use other services but I just wonder where, if at all, would you draw the line? Would you comply with any request or wish to keep from offending another? You know the quote "Stand for something, or you'll fall for anything!".
So if the moderators of this board (we'll refer to them as Captains :D) got together and based on a story handed down to them by a couple of grandmothers in the group, they deemed it bad luck to post on an internet forum while fully clothed. Therefore, they respectfully asked you post only in the nude, would you comply? Or the taxi driver that you desperately need says the luggage you want him to transport is considered a bad omen and asks you to leave it behind, would you comply? Likely, you would use other services but I just wonder where, if at all, would you draw the line? Would you comply with any request or wish to keep from offending another? You know the quote "Stand for something, or you'll fall for anything!".

I’ve been watching this thread since it’s inception and have read some pretty wild ideas.

It is not a matter of anything other than respect. When you freely respect the wishes of the Captain as they relate to bananas or other trivial things, the Captain will tend to respect your small requests as well. A simple request of “Please, no bananas on my boat.”, is not the same as some taxi driver trying to steal my baggage. It’s more like, “Please remove your shoes before boarding.” (or entering my house)

Pick a stand that is worth standing for. All the while respecting others culture, religious beliefs and superstitions, they will be more likely to respect yours.
So if the moderators of this board (we'll refer to them as Captains :D) got together and based on a story handed down to them by a couple of grandmothers in the group, they deemed it bad luck to post on an internet forum while fully clothed. Therefore, they respectfully asked you post only in the nude, would you comply?

you mean we had an option of posting while clothed? i wish someone had told me that when i first joined the forums. :mooner:
So if the moderators of this board (we'll refer to them as Captains :D) got together and based on a story handed down to them by a couple of grandmothers in the group, they deemed it bad luck to post on an internet forum while fully clothed. Therefore, they respectfully asked you post only in the nude, would you comply? Or the taxi driver that you desperately need says the luggage you want him to transport is considered a bad omen and asks you to leave it behind, would you comply? Likely, you would use other services but I just wonder where, if at all, would you draw the line? Would you comply with any request or wish to keep from offending another? You know the quote "Stand for something, or you'll fall for anything!".

Good question- I could post in the nude, or not, and they would never know right? So that is a bit different. For me the line would be if what they are asking will detract or prevent me from what I am trying to accomplish. Does throwing away a banana keep me from being able to enjoy an otherwise great trip? Probably not. Does leaving my luggage keep me from enjoying a vacation? You bet, and I would take another taxi. If it was well known that all the taxi drivers feel this way or it is a custom in this particular country and I didn't bother to find that out, then shame on me.

See in my mind there is a difference between freedom of choice and entitlement. I have the freedom to not take that particular dive boat again, and if I want try to convince others of the same. I am not entitled to have the boat run as I want it run, or to have the captain believe what I want him to believe. Thats the problem with our society in my mind. Too many spoiled people all expecting to have everything the way they want, as if their beliefs and rights are more important than anyone else's.

But thats just my opinion and of course you are entitled to yours.
I gave up on controlling women long long ago, but a good compromise would be nice. :eyebrow:
would be nice to share your experience; how long that was, just to avoid re-inventing the wheel :D
Mmmmmm Banana Split...!

wonder why that reminds me to somebody wkakes me up every morning :rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:
you mean we had an option of posting while clothed? i wish someone had told me that when i first joined the forums. :mooner:
I used to do that, but it was so warm...

It is not a matter of anything other than respect. When you freely respect the wishes of the Captain as they relate to bananas or other trivial things, the Captain will tend to respect your small requests as well. A simple request of “Please, no bananas on my boat.”, is not the same as some taxi driver trying to steal my baggage. It’s more like, “Please remove your shoes before boarding.” (or entering my house)

I partly agree. But I will add that if you are respecting the captain's request simply to have yours respected, that appears to be a little more self-serving than respecting. Just curious if anyone involved in this thread were to see the sign stating"Please, no bananas on my boat.", would you not question "why"? Unlike the "Please remove your shoes....etc.." which is an established custom for many people, we have yet to establish the true basis of "no bananas". We haven't found any evidence that it is customary nor tradition for any person. So in other words, what is your respect based on? Is it based on honoring the superstitious (no bananas)? Or is it based on honoring the custom/tradition (no shoes)? This is my contention.

Good question- I could post in the nude, or not, and they would never know right? So that is a bit different. For me the line would be if what they are asking will detract or prevent me from what I am trying to accomplish. Does throwing away a banana keep me from being able to enjoy an otherwise great trip? Probably not. Does leaving my luggage keep me from enjoying a vacation? You bet, and I would take another taxi. If it was well known that all the taxi drivers feel this way or it is a custom in this particular country and I didn't bother to find that out, then shame on me.
I suppose this would be an example of honoring the request with no regard for respect? This would be the same as telling the captain that I disposed of the banana but I hid it and kept it onboard. Self serving but effective nonetheless! :D

See in my mind there is a difference between freedom of choice and entitlement. I have the freedom to not take that particular dive boat again, and if I want try to convince others of the same. I am not entitled to have the boat run as I want it run, or to have the captain believe what I want him to believe. Thats the problem with our society in my mind. Too many spoiled people all expecting to have everything the way they want, as if their beliefs and rights are more important than anyone else's.
merxlin, great portion here but I see it the other way around. I see that we have too much compliance and tolerance based on superstition and not custom/tradition. Thanks for the discussion! :wink:
...So in other words, what is your respect based on? Is it based on honoring the superstitious (no bananas)? Or is it based on honoring the custom/tradition (no shoes)? This is my contention.

For one thing, it is just one of many long held fishing fleet superstitions in some areas. The list of naval and fishing superstitions is long and some are quite amusing, but very real to those who hold to those traditions.

But for me it is more personal. If a guy goes crazy when the Captain asks him not to bring any bananas on his vessel, chances are that same guy is going to be a huge pain in the butt for the entire voyage. I don’t want my trip spoiled by some self-serving, tyrannical customer screaming for his stupid bananas.

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