Why would you equate not knowing/remembering how to use tables with being a bad diver? If you never find practical need for a skill (Algebra, High school French or diagramming sentences are examples for many people) you will forget most of it in a few years, certainly in tens years or so. Almost everyone learns how to use tables, and many, many of them never find a need for the skill after the last time they did it in class. This might be an indication of middle-aged memory skills, but it doesn't make them bad divers. It is definetely an indication of how useful the skill is for the average diver -and there is nothing inherently wrong with that.
Computers are much easier and flexible, don't have to be laminated to stay dry, understand perfectly well Nx % like 27 or 31, often give you a longer bottom time and many save fun & useful data like water temp, average depth, etc. You need a depth gauge and timer anyway, and you often can't find these items much cheaper than in a computer. It's also true that many boats require all recreational divers to have computers nowadays.
Frankly I've never understood the fuss: I thought use of the tables was fairly obvious even w/o instruction and I'm sure most reasonably intelligent persons can re-learn or the learn the skill if they ever have the need. Obviously a trimix student training for a 100m dive needs a completely different skill set and level of competence, but the average diver is a world away from people who can knowledgeably discuss decompression models, M-values etc.