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Maybe the captain would have known that there was a DM below with a park permit and would have decided to avoid the flag instead of hitting it. Never know?
Diving without a DM in a high boat traffic area...probably not a good idea.

You've said this several times now. Each time, several people have asked you to explain your personal opinion on how a DM would have helped. Each time, you have not. Could you please do so now? We would all like to know.

Not realizing after the first two boats passed overhead that he was probably in a risky situation...probably should have realized the risk at this point.
When the first two passed over, we were 40' down at the reef. They were of no concern to us, even if they were violating our flag space.

Yelling at the third dive boat that passes over his flag...probably the same thing I would have done.
The difference in boat 3 and the first 2 boats is where the incident happened. AquaSafari's boat ran over our flag in shallow water very near the beach exit point, not in deep water over the reef.
If I were him I would have a very hard time working with you. You pretty much called him an immature mama's boy. Might I quote: "Did your parents know where you were last Friday?".

Low blow!

He probably has more integrity than me.
Give Bill some leeway there. English is not his usual language, maybe not his first language.
If you are afraid to shore dive without a dive master, this might not be the forum for you. Shore diving outside a roped off area in front of a hotel is hardly dangerous.
You've dived there? With the jet skis and boats coming by...?
Maybe the captain would have known that there was a DM below with a park permit and would have decided to avoid the flag instead of hitting it. Never know?
Uh, Welcome to SB, as I know that you signed up just to post here, and are a newbie diver, but that's ridiculous...! :11:
No reason to get personal now.

You should have picked up on the sarcasm. I obviously didn't mean that statement to be serious. Not even a newbie would be that stupid.

Let's keep the personal blows to a minimum and stay on task. My apologies for contributing to this negativity personally.

Oh And

I am taking the Dr.Pepper, cheetos, kitkat, and lady holding the Dr. Pepper :D home for the weekend.

I hope this thread is dead by then.

Please, or maybe we could make a movie.
You've said this several times now. Each time, several people have asked you to explain your personal opinion on how a DM would have helped. Each time, you have not. Could you please do so now? We would all like to know.

Sorry for not clarifying but it seemed to me to be common sense.

Here's my personal opinion as you asked for, based on diving with the fine operators I have dived with in Cozumel for the past 20 years...

When you dive with a dive operator in Cozumel the DM stays with the group, keeps an eye on the divers and brings them to the surface when the coast is clear. At the same time his boat captain and crew always know where their divers are in the water. The DMs give a detailed dive briefing of the dive including the possible risks at the surface. The local guides in Cozumel know where it is and is not safe to dive. They have tons of experience handling divers in the water and keeping them out of dangers way. Of course its not foolproof and none of us can say for sure that had you been diving with a DM it would have changed anything. I do believe that a DM would have assessed the risk before putting any divers in danger of getting hit by a boat. IMO and as a DM, I think its safer to dive with a local DM that knows the area, the rules, and the general flow of things than it is to dive without a DM.

It's a public forum, one is not obligated to tell anyone anything about himself unless you want to. You're not exactly an experienced forum member yourself. 34 posts, almost half of those in this thread. That's not my battle to fight though, as it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

You're right about the obligation part, but I do believe (again, my opinion) that most people give more credibility to someone who is not afraid to tell the world who they are, where their experiences come from and why they might feel a certain way about a particular topic. Yes, I am relatively new to Scuba Board. So what? Do a little search and you'll find I've been on other boards for many years. I just hope that I contribute to this board by posting constructive comments and opinions and not earn by numbers by attacking people and picking fights. I prefer quality, not quantity...oops! There's that humility thing again. :10:

The problem with all boards like this is that its too easy for one individual to back himself up with "alter-egos". NO I'M NOT ACCUSING YOU OF THIS SO SAVE YOUR NASTY REPLY. I'm just trying to explain to TheFish, someone who is new to SB why someone who tells us who they are might have more credibility than someone who does not. TheFish welcome to SB and we look forward to your contributions.
Estimado Teknitroxdiver:

I will translate your post 312 for all my Captains.
I was not there last Friday / I did not see anything,
but I can assure you Aqua Safari is not done discussing this
and your post 312 will be the basis of discussion unless you could provide me
with a straight description or sequence of events per se,
if possible with a minimum of the sense of argument or rebuttal.

I apologize for my prop 8 feet from you and your fellow divers.

Give me enlightening reading for the guys driving the boats.
Who could do it better than you; Mr. King.

I'm getting criticized on the forum now but can't let it go.
What you wrote already is exactly what Captains need to hear but never get.
We have amazing visibility in Cozumel. Are we getting overconfident?
We can't let it go until someone actually gets hurt or killed.
Not by one of my boats. That's my job.

Aqua Safari
Bill Horn
Estimado Sr. Knight,

I want to make the point to my Captains, and it would be best made and driven home if the shore divers handed the sequence of events as they saw them from underwater to the Captains themselves. Put a face on the issue. It would make a HUGE impression. I would like to arrange that. I promise, I swear, I guarantee NO animosity.

After that, and some aditional discussion amongst my staff that should explode especially if the shore divers came by, I would like to set up an association meeting perhaps breakfast. Let's present the issue to the harbormaster, request he research and / or define the safety area for a divebuoy in Cozumel, and remind ALL the Cozumel Captains, through what we call a circular; what a safe distance to a divebuoy is and how important it is to observe it.

If the boat drivers are thinking one way and the divers think differently, we are going to have a tragedy which we can help to avoid or at least postpone.

To quote entry 324:
Paradise is certainly crowded, the boats see things one way,
and if divers see things different, somebody's going to get hurt.

In my opinion, this is the subject; at least the one of interest to me.
Jonathan, will you work with me? Will you five help me?
I could deliver you a report of the events signed by each of the divers involved, if that would help. All I would be able to include would be basically what I posted in post #1, but if it would help for it to be written out and delivered by me, I can do that.
No reason to get personal now.

You should have picked up on the sarcasm. I obviously didn't mean that statement to be serious. Not even a newbie would be that stupid.

Let's keep the personal blows to a minimum and stay on task. My apologies for contributing to this negativity personally.
Nothing personal. I didn't call you stupid, regardless of what I thot. I said your suggestion was ridiculous.

So have you dived there, where the jet skis and boats come by close to the roped off areas in front of hotes?

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