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Could I interest anyone with this subject?

pg. 31:

Could Jonathan have beaten our boat to the shore? We saw you out there, on the mid cordillera and as Gabriel went in with his student, he noticed your bouy heading for shore and dipping under water. The divers beat the boat to shore? The boat ran over the divers? Or the divers caught up with the boat dropping divers off. I can only ask, I cannot answer.

When Tek answered Friday night, he gave me something I can work with.
I plan to translate it and provide it to all my Captains, but if Jonathan and his buddies could come up with a sequence of events from scratch, it would be productive reading for my Captains. I want to make a point. Could we be getting overconfident given Cozumel's amazing visibility / water clarity? Good time to think about this. Verdad?

I want to make the point to my Captains, and it would be best made and driven home if the shore divers handed the sequence of events as they saw them from underwater to the Captains themselves. Put a face on the issue. I would like to arrange that.

After that, and some aditional discussion amongst my staff that should explode especially if the shore divers came by, I would like to set up an association meeting perhaps breakfast. Let's present the issue to the harbormaster, request he research and / or define the safety area for a divebuoy in Cozumel, and remind ALL the Cozumel Captains, through what we call a circular; what a safe distance to a divebuoy is and how important it is to observe it.

If the boat drivers are thinking one way and the divers think differently, we are going to have a tragedy which we can help to avoid or at least postpone.

To quote entry 324:
Paradise is certainly crowded, the boats see things one way,
and if divers see things different, somebody's going to get hurt.

In my opinion, this is the subject; at least the one of interest to me.
Jonathan, will you work with me? Will you five help me?
So many tangents. so much ventilating.
Could we get back to the subject?

I quote my entry on pg. 31:

Could Jonathan have beaten our boat to the shore? We saw you out there, on the mid cordillera and as Gabriel went in with his student, he noticed your bouy heading for shore and dipping under water. The divers beat the boat to shore? The boat ran over the divers? Or the divers caught up with the boat dropping divers off. I can only ask, I cannot answer.

When Tek answered Friday night, he gave me something I can work with.
I plan to translate it and provide it to all my Captains, but if Jonathan and his buddies could come up with a sequence of events from scratch, it would be productive reading for my Captains. I want to make a point. Could we be getting overconfident given Cozumel's amazing visibility / water clarity? Good time to think about this. Verdad?

I want to make the point to my Captains, and it would be best made and driven home if the shore divers handed the sequence of events as they saw them from underwater to the Captains themselves. Put a face on the issue. I would like to arrange that.

After that, and some aditional discussion amongst my staff that should explode especially if the shore divers came by, I would like to set up an association meeting perhaps breakfast. Let's present the issue to the harbormaster, request he research and / or define the safety area for a divebuoy in Cozumel, and remind ALL the Cozumel Captains, through what we call a circular; what a safe distance to a divebuoy is and how important it is to observe it.

If the boat drivers are thinking one way and the divers think differently, we are going to have a tragedy which we can help to avoid or at least postpone.

To quote entry 324:
Paradise is certainly crowded, the boats see things one way,
and if divers see things different, somebody's going to get hurt.

In my opinion, this is the subject; at least the one of interest to me.
Jonathan, will you work with me? Will you five help me?
If I were him I would have a very hard time working with you. You pretty much called him an immature mama's boy. Might I quote: "Did your parents know where you were last Friday?".

Low blow!

He probably has more integrity than me.

If you are afraid to shore dive without a dive master, this might not be the forum for you. Shore diving outside a roped off area in front of a hotel is hardly dangerous.
So it's not that shore diving in Cozumel at a known dive site is dangerous, but rather that because you never do dives like that it is dangerous for YOU. I can respect that.

An example: I am currently taking an IANTD Trimix course. After I finish that course, I will be capable of planning and executing trimix dives to over 330'. If I were to plan and properly execute, say, a 250' dive, this would not be exceptionally dangerous for me, because I have the proper training and equipment. However, if a recreational divemaster were to attempt to accompany me on this dive, it would be incredibly dangerous for him/her, as that person would not have the training to pull it off.

No matter what I answer, you're going to pick out the pieces you want to reply to with your own twist added. What I'm saying, Jonathan, is TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! You are not without fault.
If you are afraid to shore dive without a dive master, this might not be the forum for you. Shore diving outside a roped off area in front of a hotel is hardly dangerous.

I am a Divemaster and I've probably dived in places you've never heard of. Its not about being afraid, its about being safe.

this might not be the forum for you.

This is coming from someone who shows up here with two posts and no links back to you real identity.
No matter what I answer, you're going to pick out the pieces you want to reply to with your own twist added. What I'm saying, Jonathan, is TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! You are not without fault.

Perhaps I am at fault for the manner in which I handled this issue, but I maintain that my actions did not result in my run-in with the boat. I was doing everything right for a standard shore dive, minus the legal paperwork and a "guide". My dive was properly conducted, with a internationally recognized dive flag, at a recognized dive site out of navigational channels. I do not know what else I could have done to make it safer. I'm sorry we have diverging opinions on this, but I don't know what else to say.

I am a Divemaster and I've probably dived in places you've never heard of.
That's humble....
but I would also take responsibility for my being there in the first place.

If a driver in another car ignores a STOP sign and just misses hitting you, forcing you to swerve and brake suddenly; is that your fault because you were there in the intersection in the first place?
If a driver in another car ignores a STOP sign and just misses hitting you, forcing you to swerve and brake suddenly; is that your fault because you were there in the intersection in the first place?

That doesn't have anything to do with what I said or what's being discussed here. As divers we all need to take responsibility for our own actions.
That doesn't have anything to do with what I said or what's being discussed here. As divers we all need to take responsibility for our own actions.

It seems to me to be a very similar scenario in a different environment involving safety, responsibility and "rules of the road". Exactly what is it that TND should accept responsibility for other the shore diving with appropriate markers in a area frequented by both boat and shore divers?
That doesn't have anything to do with what I said or what's being discussed here. As divers we all need to take responsibility for our own actions.

If a DM had been right next to TND at the time of the incident, how would that have changed the outcome?
It seems to me to be a very similar scenario in a different environment involving safety, responsibility and "rules of the road". Exactly what is it that TND should accept responsibility for other the shore diving with appropriate markers in a area frequented by both boat and shore divers?

You really are trying hard to downplay the things he could have probably done better. Diving without the proper paperwork in Cozumel...probably not a good idea (however does not contribute to this discussion IMO). Diving without a DM in a high boat traffic area...probably not a good idea. Not realizing after the first two boats passed overhead that he was probably in a risky situation...probably should have realized the risk at this point. Yelling at the third dive boat that passes over his flag...probably the same thing I would have done. Posting the incident in the manner he did in multiple public forums...probably not a good idea.

That's humble....

At least I let people know who is behind the statements I make. TheFish just shows up out of nowhere telling me I don't belong here based on a point he didn't understand in the first place.

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