Personally, as both a diver and a boater, I strongly believe "it depends" whether or not dive flags are an important safety consideration OR cause more problems than they solve...I'm fairly certain the vast majority of ScubaBoard considers towed dive-flags to be a major hazard, and even non-towed ones to be ineffective.
What would the next steps be? Also get the training agencies on board? Publish articles? Writing state legislators isn't a bad idea, though it might take some effort from a lot of people to convince them it's an issue worth their time.
DAN would probably be a good place to start in terms of objective quantification of pros and cons under the wide variety of circumstances divers/boaters encounter.
To have any meaningful impact on $tate legi$lature would need lobbyist$, which would be most efficiently handled by diver AND boater organizations pushing for needed change together (one potential model from an entirely different interest group is Vermont and a few other states "strongly encourage" hunters to wear blaze orange while hunting, BUT it's not a violation if a hunter chooses not to...).
In my opinion getting propped by a boat is a very real risk which varies based upon a wide range of factors and where the "teeth" in the laws should be is if a diver has not taken any meaningful measures to be visible to a boat where boat traffic is reasonable to expect as possible while surfacing or being on the surface the boat operator is NOT liable for any criminal or civil damages at all unless proven to have willfully intended harm or acting with gross negligence BUT if the diver deployed a DSMB or had a dive flag the burden of showing a lack of any wrongdoing is completely shifted on the boater...
Doesn't solve on an individual basis if propped the law is the least of a dead/dying divers concerns or from a purely practical side situational awareness is most important, but there's simply no way to pass a law to encourage awareness or common sense...