I can't help but wonder if the FWC officer would have ticketed you if you had deployed a SMB prior to surfacing and towed it in that last little stretch...
(ie ticketing primarily to discourage action that was viewed as "unsafe" as opposed to primarily for revenue).
On the one hand SMB would have in many situations similar to what you described relatively "safer" (each situation unique so not judging at all, simply considering typical risk of getting propped by a boat vs typical entangled in one's own line) and it would have signaled to those in the know that you knew what you were doing, were risk aware and responsibly implementing the safest practices for your dive based on a wide range of considerations; on the other hand a DSMB appearing out of nowhere could be mistaken as a diving emergency and result in some random person rushing over to pull up the line to "rescue" you as quickly as possible...
Anchoring a typical float with a waterproof note saying approximate start and end time is another option, but personally I would lean towards DSMBs (and try to educate the unaware of the very simple communication system of one SMB all good, two SMB may need help but not to go rapidly pulling on the line...) and primarily start/end from a more remote location...