Just finished a 2 tank dive at Sterns Island on Travis. Very busy with boats. Can not wait to not have that sound over me. Looking forward to clearer water and diving with new people.
Wish I could help you with your camping questions, but I've never camped there and can't be very useful. However, in case you haven't been there before, you will be using porta-potties and no showerhouses (yet, they are working on some.) So I would take baby wipes and a couple gallons of water to use for washing. Set it in the sun, it'll be nice and warm when it's time for your "shower." FYI.
I also was struck by your thoughts about not having boat traffic sound over you when you dive. It reminded me that I take it for granted, with a lot of my dives being done at CSSP. I'm also spoiled to long bottom times by diving there, I love to stay down as long as I have air. Hovering around 20'-25' will usually give you the vis you need, while staying warm above the thermo and cool below. My last dive there was great, with around 20-30 mins at 8-12' cruising above the hydrilla beds, for a safety stop.

So many fish were playing around the S/SW shoreside beds, from 1/4" hatchlings, massive perchana and bass, and several huge 2-3' catfish, who were very curious about us. They followed for quite some time, but were shy if we stopped to watch them sneak up on us.
Can you tell I'm dry-docked for a while? I'm surely remininscing instead of diving. I gotta keep telling myself- it's not forever, it's not forever, it's not...