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It is in no way intended as a slam to the agency or the instructor, Bob. It was in reference to the inference by some that a class must be bad because of the time devoted to the class. I quoted Nereas post as he seems to find the need to slam my agency every chance he gets. I make every attempt to teach safe divers with emphasis on buoyancy, and make the students aware of "dangling" objects. However, the fact that I am affiliated with PADI in some of the posters eyes, makes my class not worth taking. I find it disappointing. I do not attempt in anyway through any of my post, to speak badly of any instructor or agency or their requirements. They also often cite the number of dives required by the agency for different levels and do not bother to post the requirements for their agency.

I freely admit, as a newly minted instructor, I find the requirements of PADI, at this point, to help me greatly. With 3 different open water classes in various stages of training going on right now, it would be easy to forget something if I started jumbling skills around. Instructors more experienced in teaching may find that easy, but I don't. I know by following my guidelines, all the skills are taught and time spent with the students meeting those requirements. We have classroom sessions every week for 5 weeks and pool sessions 5 to 6 times for how ever long it take depending on the number of students in the class before open water training.
I even met a guy who had been an Aviator, a SEAL and JAG. Retired aged 39. Guess he just saw too much TV!:D

FWIW, I do know one person who was both a SEAL and a Scout Sniper (not in that order).
... and this is supposed to tell us ... what? ... about your diving expertise?

I'd be a lot more impressed if you could respond with factual information. Unfortunately, a lot of the responses I've seen from you contain nothing but strong opinions and information I know to be incorrect ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
It speaks to his veracity (and his personal skill), neither of which may now be questioned, not his opinions ... they're still open season.
FWIW, I do know one person who was both a SEAL and a Scout Sniper (not in that order).
I am assuming that the person you know was a USMC Scout Sniper ( as opposed to a U.S Army reconnaisance platoon scout sniper). A Scout Sniper is a specialist enlisted man. He would have finished his tour of duty with the Marine Corps and then enlisted in the Navy, gone through rating training just like all other enlisted men and applied for BUD/S. On successful completion of BUD/S, Jump School and SQT he would have been awarded his Trident. A number of Marines have subsequently joined the Navy and become SEALs.

Just out of interest, did you friend go on to be a sniper with the SEALs also?
... and this is supposed to tell us ... what? ... about your diving expertise?

I'd be a lot more impressed if you could respond with factual information. Unfortunately, a lot of the responses I've seen from you contain nothing but strong opinions and information I know to be incorrect ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Forgive me for getting in here. No offence meant. Bob, if you read the thread, Sweatfrog was asked a question and he answered it. I don't think he was trying to make any other statements by doing so. As far as his diving expertise, I think you will find yourself hard pressed to find many people around here with more. Considering the company we're in on this Board, that may seem like a pretty arrogant comment on my part, but I humbly recommend you to review his credentials. He has, IMHO, impressive credentials in military, commercial, emergency, recreational and technical diving.

He is by no means the only one. Many others here do too.

Wouldn't it be a good idea if we all respected each other without slamming each other every day?

I think a lot of the guys new to diving and the Board think that some of us older folks just love cyberpunching each other. If there is incorrect information being posted lets discuss it as polite educated adults and respect each others expertise and what each and everyone of us brings to the table.

Cheez....sorry...sound as though I am running for some minor office in a small town. I'm done.
I'd vote for you.

for a price :wink:
Forgive me for getting in here. No offence meant. Bob, if you read the thread, Sweatfrog was asked a question and he answered it. I don't think he was trying to make any other statements by doing so. As far as his diving expertise, I think you will find yourself hard pressed to find many people around here with more. Considering the company we're in on this Board, that may seem like a pretty arrogant comment on my part, but I humbly recommend you to review his credentials. He has, IMHO, impressive credentials in military, commercial, emergency, recreational and technical diving.

He is by no means the only one. Many others here do too.

Wouldn't it be a good idea if we all respected each other without slamming each other every day?

I think a lot of the guys new to diving and the Board think that some of us older folks just love cyberpunching each other. If there is incorrect information being posted lets discuss it as polite educated adults and respect each others expertise and what each and everyone of us brings to the table.

Cheez....sorry...sound as though I am running for some minor office in a small town. I'm done.
You running for MOD? You've got my vote.
Wouldn't it be a good idea if we all respected each other without slamming each other every day?

I do ... but I'll ask you to go back and review this thread from the beginning ... read my first few posts here. Then read his first few posts. Tell me how what started out as a constructive conversation turned into a pissing match ... and note who came in pissing.

I'll happily respect anyone who wants to join the conversation ... but there's two things I expect ... 1) some respect in return, and 2) check your facts before you come in here and start telling everyone what they "have to know".

Sweatfrog is routinely disrespectful to anyone he disagrees with ... and he doesn't know squat about NAUI. I base the first comment on his posting history, and the second comment strictly on what he's posted here and elsewhere about the agency.

Whatever his credentials, if he wants respect, he needs to show some in return.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
You running for MOD? You've got my vote.
Thank you for the compliment, but I wouldn't dream of being a MOD amongst the Titans of the Oceans. I'll just keep reading your posts and try to make my square head round. :D

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