7 day x 30min Cardio Challenge!!!!!

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Didn't have that much of a great time, purpose was to just get away from the house and into the water. Water was clear on the first dive but the sea got choppy and I accidently went to 112ft because the wall was just beautiful. The second was the scary one where I won't talk about it because was so personal to me. But thats not the end, I'm gonna go diving again on Monday and hopefully the rest of the week. :D
no questions...... *hugs* youre ok and thats what counts

btw, forgot to mention lots of octupus and seahorses :D
I adore seahorses! I've never seen one while diving... but, one day... I'm certain that I will.

I haven't been on here much. I've been quite busy... had a party to attend last night, and another tonight. Busy fuming at the hubby today... oh, how a man can make the wife angry (especially when it's PMS time!!!)! LOL So... I'll just make his day rough and then I'll go to my party and be happy! :D By the time I get home, he'll be asleep.... and tomorrow is another day!

No exercise... but I have been quite good as far as food goes... especially at last night's party! I could have grazed till the cows came home... but I didn't! WooooHooo! Lots of girls there that I haven't seen in a year and a half, and a couple didn't even recognize me! Yay! Of course... last time they saw me, I was a fellow bridesmaid with them... and I had short hair and was much heavier. Now, I have long hair... and down 44 lbs... they had many good words! I was elated!

Well... gotta run... things to do, places to be. Have a great day, everyone!
Just the treadmill today 7%, 3.5 mph, 2.5 miles and 43:08 minutes
Just did a 50 minute cardio exercise but didn't do weight training because tomorrow gonna be in Point Lobos and will be diving!
I did get my exercise in on Saturday in the way of standing in the river all day panning for fossils. Got a nice horse tooth, and a sawshark tooth, a bunch of small shark teeth, piece of mastadon tooth...
Buddies with us got a really nice mastadon tooth, thing is about 7 x 5 x 5"!! Huge! Our guide, Mark Renz http://www.fossilexpeditions.com/ is a treat to hang with and a pleasure to be around.
I mangaed to get up early this morning, after going to bed at a decent hour, even though the air mattress leaked and I spent 2 nights on the ground....anyways, got a jog in this morning. Don't know how far- maybe 2 miles tops in the soft sand, and along the river. Beautiful. Those around the campfire made fun of me and my healthy lifestyle this weekend, but they also compliemented me on how much weight I have lost and how good I look! It's all good when the ribbing comes from friends!
seahorses!! er - when you come down here i will take you for a dive and you can see between 40 to 100 of the little buggers!

today i turned the dial on the e machine to increase the tension and did 35mins at a faster pace

think i might do what linda does and start recording distance and speed as well - great idea

cheers and off to shower
Managed to drag my self outa bed this morning to exercise even though it is the first work day of daylight savings time. Ug. It's early. Walked backwards a bit again, and my thighs felt it.
Managed to drag my self outa bed this morning to exercise even though it is the first work day of daylight savings time. Ug. It's early. Walked backwards a bit again, and my thighs felt it.

Morning is the best time of day!!!!!!!!! I hate burning daylight. :D

seahorses!! er - when you come down here i will take you for a dive and you can see between 40 to 100 of the little buggers!

I would love to go visit the Ningaloo Reef and a visit to Sydney would be required. Maybe 2008 or 9, just so expensive to get there and time being gone (which is even harder). I do so love Oz
Yay! My exercise today is gonna go diving! :fruit: See you all later :).
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