7 day x 30min Cardio Challenge!!!!!

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OK... had a late lunch, added more distance to my walk... actually was 40 minutes this time.

I think I am going to need to buy a new pair of shoes... my dogs are barking!
day six i think.... 4hrs walking around our shopping centre and im buggered... maybe not getting heart rate up but def burning off some fat cells with the non stop walking

i will see later how i feel if im up to my nightly hill walk

cheers all
Had a second brisk walk/jog for the day.
So that's twice for the day.

Tomorrow morning i'll jog mostly, will keep my heart rate way up there and is certain to burn a lot of calories.
Day 5
Walking: 1 hour 20 minutes (5.3 miles 8.53 km)

Day 4
Walking: 1 hour (3.5 miles 5.63 km)

Day 3
Walking: 2 hours 37 minutes (10.28 miles 16.54 km)

Day 2
Walking: 1 hour 30 minutes (6.3 miles 10 km)

Day 1 (January 1, 2007):
Diving in the Atlantic: 2 hours 10 minutes
Walking: 1 hour 2 minutes (4.15 miles 6.68 km)
35 minutes, today, of jogging and stairs. I think I'm going to die!
It looks good, but I would forget or get mixed up (I am the most organized scattered person around). It is easier for me to report on a day to day basis, but again that is me, and if most everyone wants to do the individual journal I think it is a good idea.
You can always sign up for a free account, and log everything at:

Excellent place to keep up with your total fitness.

I started with a free account, and finally bought the software to have more reports to stare at.
Okay, just did 45 minute of cardio this morning, helped my mom carried stuff in Costco, and now trying to control of not having a late night snack!! MUST RESIST!!!
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