7 day x 30min Cardio Challenge!!!!!

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I've only just seen this, but thought I'd join in as I do exercise regularily, I'll tell you why at the end :D

Jan 1, I danced in a club for 2 hours (usually I play badminton for 2 hours but the hall was closed as it was a holiday)
Jan 2, Speed work, 1 mile warm up followed by 8x400m at a steady pace, 1 mile cool down.
Jan 3, 1 hour run
Jan 4, 1 hour swim
Jan 5 (today) 3 hours dancing
Jan 6, diving
Jan 7 1 hour run.

This is my weekly routine!

I have 3 months 16 days to gradually increase this regime before the race. The Sunday runs will lengthen to an average of 2 hours, sometimes followed by diving. Fridays I usually dive before dancing, but that's only a shallow dive. Tuesday speedwork will vary every week.

I am in the London Marathon again!! My 4th year in a row and my 8th marathon.

All this exercise does give me a very good SAC rating though, not that I need it as I'm CCR these days.

Anyone else running the London Marathon on here?
I'm in.

A tip:

If you truly want to create a new habit try this:

On the refrigerator tape a 20 (50 or 100??) dollar bill on top of your signed contract. The contract affirms that you will perform the task (exercise) each day before going to bed, or else you will shred (burn, destroy) the bill.

Simple, and costs not a penny, if you simply comply with your own contract.

You may need to burn 1 to get sufficient reaction for behavior change.

Money, of course, is the primary motivator to a lot of what we do. Use it to create good habits!

You could add a 20 each week to the contract (tape it on the frig); save up for more dive gear! (Also, the pain of burning multiple 20s would motivate the most stubborn or procrastinating person!)
I,_____________________________ promise myself that I will

exercise _______ minutes a day. In the event that I do not exercise before going to

bed, I promise that the attached money will be immediately destroyed, and a

replacement bill will be attached.
I'm in.

A tip:

If you truly want to create a new habit try this:

On the refrigerator tape a 20 (50 or 100??) dollar bill on top of your signed contract. The contract affirms that you will perform the task (exercise) each day before going to bed, or else you will shred (burn, destroy) the bill.

Simple, and costs not a penny, if you simply comply with your own contract.

You may need to burn 1 to get sufficient discomfort for behavior change.

Money, of course, is the primary motivator to a lot of what we do. Use it to create good habits!

You could add a 20 each week to the contract (tape it on the frig); save up for more dive gear! (Also, the pain of burning multiple 20s would motivate the most stubborn or procrastinating person!)
That would never work in my house. My teenager would take that $ in a heartbeat. LOL

Anyway, yesterday, day 4 of the challenge, I did 45 minutes of strength training concentrating on legs, and 40 minutes of cardio: 20 on the crossramp and 20 on the bike.
Well, I made it to day 8. Elliptical again this morning for another hour, followed by...

a trip to my doctor for the annual physical. So, after the vacation it is time to lose some twenty pounds.

Thanks Almity for getting this going. I probably would have made it to the gym about three times instead of every day.
Yesterday - Day 4 - 45 minute brisk walk
That would never work in my house. My teenager would take that $ in a heartbeat. LOL

would never word in my house... my 46yr old hubby would take that $ in a heartbeat... they never grow out of it :rofl3:

welcome and well done!!! .... will update list when i return from my day of diving
I was thinking...everyone duck when I think...ha!
This thread is going to get too long.
How about if we all start our own journal thread in this forum?

That way we can see what WE have done for ourselves and if others want to peek in and post and give words or encouagement they can. I can close this thread..and we can start our own. Let me do an example and post the link in the next post here. What do you think? Vote..yes, or no after viewing the link.
This is actually day 7 for me.

Today's results

1 trip between buildings 1/4 mile R/T 27 steps

10% elevation
2.5 MPH
2 miles
48:00 minutes
3 liters of water
I was thinking...everyone duck when I think...ha!
This thread is going to get too long.
How about if we all start our own journal thread in this forum?

That was we can see what WE have done for ourselves and if others want to peek in and post and give words or encouragement they can. I can close this thread..and we can start our own. Let me do an example and post the link in the next post here. What do you think? Vote..yes, or no after viewing the link.

Not a bad idea, but honestly I would never be able to keep track or up with 35 threads, it is easier for me if it is all in one place, but hey, that's me. If it went to an individual thread for everyone I probably wouldn't bother. Maybe let everyone choose what they want to do.
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