7 day x 30min Cardio Challenge!!!!!

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'nother day... 30 min. on the Nordic... 30 on the Bowflex...

(the Nordic is your friend... the Nordic is your friend...)
Hmmm, did alot of workout and some weight training but it is gaining weight. Does anybody know if that is just muscle I'm gaining because I'm not eating junk or anything with sugar too.
Been good so far! :D Ive been trying to do an hour, but its been hard to find the time. Im feeling so much better about myself now that Im back on some kind of a workout schedule! :D
Sorry if I haven't replied on a day by day basis...

Its going well, I'm parking my bike further away from work, so have to work that extra bit further...

At the moment, apart from my increased walking I've completely slacked at any exercise - but reading these comments I'm determined to get back on the crosstrainer this evening, even just for 5mins - just to get back in the rythum!

Congrats - All you guys!
Day 3...

20 minutes stretching (my back is actually starting to feel better, too!)

20 min walk and about 3 hours later, another 30 minute walk... whooo who!
Officially stuffed.

Did my daily rowing...

3 x 2000m with 2 minute rests (chopped abot 40 seconds off my total time form previous post)
also did 4 x 250m sprints with 45 sec rests (all under 55 seconds)
and then 2 x 500m sprints with 1 minute rest and both under 1:56

Now, if I could do that each day...

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