7 day x 30min Cardio Challenge!!!!!

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small walk today... just feeling a bit lazy but tomorrow is a dive (walk up and down from the carpark Zee!) and i will do at least an hour walk tomorrow night (promise to self)

will update list again tomorrow.... wow to everyone!!!
Just got back from my morning walk. Started with a Billy Banks Video, and after that quick workout, I took the dog for a brisk walk, so the total is around 30 min. Hopefully I will be diving after work tonight, so I can add that to the total for the day.
Slept in this morning so I didn't jog...
Intend to do so though as soon as I get home this evening.

Amazing how much more lethargic I felt this morning without my jog!!!
rode 6 miles to work and then swam for 30 minutes.
I rode to work today to.. I do every day.. erh, actually I drive. :D
Ok... I'm in!

I joined a gym last night and IndyDiveGal officially tried to kill me! LOL She's good motivation! I've got really bad knees so I'll prolly do a bit less than most of you, but I'm gonna give this my best shot!

Last night- 24 minutes on the recumbant bike
About an hour on weight machines

This morning---- God help me to move my body! LOL
Thanks for including me Almity. :D
OK, yesterday I did 33 minutes of cardio. I had to squeeze it in during my lunch hour (and leave time for a shower) because I couldn't do it after work. So I also missed doing my weights yesterday too. But...I'm still on track. I plan to do weights (legs) this afternoon and more cardio after work.
Today was easier than yesterday. Another one hour session on the elliptical with weights and abs afterward. I am running out of music so I am off to download some more.

Two days to vacation.
Today was easier than yesterday. Another one hour session on the elliptical with weights and abs afterward. I am running out of music so I am off to download some more.

Two days to vacation.
Not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but if you do weights first, and then your cardio, you burn more fat. Don't ask my how. It's just something that a couple of trainers have told me.
Not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but if you do weights first, and then your cardio, you burn more fat. Don't ask my how. It's just something that a couple of trainers have told me.

Well, I guess my workout is in the right order then.... I've got LOTS o' fat to lose!:)
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