Lost the edit feature on earlier posts so can't insert pictures - so just snipped a bit of text if it sounds like a repeat ;-).
Giant stride into still dark water. Drop like a feather through 30ft vis water following the rope.
Then out of the dark blue this huge form materializes, my heart rate rises - (relax deep breaths) - its such an amazing sight- for a minute my air consumption rises!
I found this video clip of one of the wrecks online:
Keep dropping deeper and deeper, down the hull - 2 minutes to reach 100ft then start exploring!
Penetrations passages everywhere. You can see the bomb holes, and the destruction from fire before it sunk where huge steel platforms crushed down on the deck. Peering into the dark silt covered surrealistic hallways - and into the gaping bomb holes revealing destruction on many floors - I wonder how many Philippines lost their life in this short battle?
Even though I am not certified for penetration, we still swim through tons and tons of swim-through cracks and holes. Peeking into many holes and dark hallways -
its absolutely amazing & the passages are so inviting! I've never seen anything like this underwater.
Dove two more wrecks today. Used Nitrox so not as beat. Hundreds and hundreds of jack fish schooling around us on the the deck of the first one. And a thousands of small silver fish that looked like tiny barracuda schooling the other way. They encircled the giant coral encrusted black smoke stack towering stories above the coral covered deck. This site much be a tech divers dream.
Actually glad I am only here for a few days - because sooner than later will power will weaken & I will be tempted into one of these inviting dark hole or black yawning chasms - this I am sure! And I need more training before I do silly things like that ;-). So its very good that I head back to the coral reefs on Friday.
I have been taking pictures that I will post at a later date. I hope they capture a fraction of the beauty.
Tomorrow the boat departs at 4:00am. A 6:30am wreck dive then 4 hour trip to a very remote wreck. Diving with tech instructors who are very careful. Can't believe I'm saying this but I cant wait for the 3:30am alarm to ring!