3rd (or is this the 4th) Annual Venice Beach Turkey Fry

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What an AWESOME day... The turkeys were great... and so were the birds that they cooked! :D I found only a dozen or so teeth, a GREAT piece of fossil coral and a whale bone. First dive: 1:23 minutes. 24 fsw max (I made it out a ways!) 62F. Second dive: :56 minutes 16fsw, and -4F (I swear I was FROZEN!).
Just got home a few minutes ago, thanks to some really nasty, cold coffee at the Venice Mikey Dee's. Awesome day! I am so glad I decided to bring my gear even though I thought it was "just" gonna be hangin on the beach all day with friends. Turns out, I got to make 3 dives and stayed relatively non cold. Hit a nice honey hole on dive #2 and found a lot of teeth, but my buddy found the big one on dive #1! Way to go Brian, I just know you will make a nice necklace for your fav. east coast dive buddy! :D. Oh, and the bells were nice. :D
Thanks Bullas for the hospitality, and use of the stove to make the sugar bombs. Hermit Crab and I had a wonderful time. She put it "9" on a scale of 1-10!
Next year, same place, same time?
Ah Tara! I was hoping to be able to dive with you again! :D

I am still on!

I know, man....we'll all hook up soon, I promise!! I'll see you this week to switch gear.

Sorry I missed you guys. It sounds like you had an awesome time!!

I hope you plan something before next Thanksgiving. We'd love to meet you guys!
The weather was good
The people were good
The food was good
63 degree water isn't good, it went from 72 to 63 in one week, the graph was impressive.

I didn't dive but really enjoyed the get together. Fried turkey is the way to go, crispy skin and moist meat. It was delicious. Another conch tradition to add to the calendar.
Would someone please tell my family jewels it is safe to come back out?
DANG! It was cold enough to turn my testicles into raisins!

Sorry to hear about your oil pump woes Ken.
You were definitely missed!
I coulda used a corn cob right around 4pm. :wink:

SeaDragon and I made our own little party at Island Breeze,
ordered out for pizza a few blocks away,
killed off a soldier from the rum tote all on our own.

Pics of the days haul.

Nice teeth and whale farts there! :D
I was uncold (for once!!!) :banana:
Well well well what a great time! I am so happy Matt and I were able to make it. I am also glad that my ankle was feeling better by the afternoon so I could be submerged in freezing water with everyone else. Actually I came pretty prepared. Just my fingers really got frost bit! A huge thankyou to everyone... Food and company were awesome! And thanks Matt for making a stairway down to the water. What a huge help that was.

Ok photo time! I live by the saying "No sense in being stupid unless you show it." I had a great time taking photos and thinking they were going to be wonderful... until I got home and downloaded them to my computer. Turns out I had not reset the camera file sizes since I had shot some stuff for e-bay, so what I have is a bunch of low res pics. Still good for the memories though. For those that left early... you missed an awesome sunset. And as you see the progression of the photos it started just when Jenny was coming out of the water... Also another thanks to Matt for being my bird watcher during the sunset and counting down when they would be in frame. Got a couple really good ones. and p.s. if you really want to bring out the colors of a sunset or sunrise try underexposing the shots... really works. So enough talk and enjoy the photos.:D Oh yes and page 2 has the photos of the a-hole that ran over Jenny's flag!

http://s117.photobucket.com/albums/o42/mbanks2/2006 turkey fry/
Super pictures!

I'll be posting mine this evening... I have got to slow down and take time to finish the details in jobs, and this is a detail :D

By the way, I can't thank people enough for getting photo's of me in gear over the last year or so. The visual feedback of how it looks on is VERY helpful in understanding how its fitting and what I can do to make adjustments. It's also a very flattering to see myself as a subject in photo's, this is something kind of new for me. :)

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