Young divers VS Old divers

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All "sports" involve risk. I once got a nasty paper cut playing poker - but that doesn't mean it's a sport. I once broke my leg playing football, but that doesn't make football an "extreme sport". There is risk in everything.
alright well scuba diving is more risky more chance of dieing example here is the actual definition

Main Entry: extreme sport
Part of Speech: n
Definition: any athletic endeavor considered more dangerous than others, such as bungee jumping, snowboarding; also called action sport
Example: Extreme sports feature a combination of speed, height, danger and spectacular stunts.

Court Closed scuba diving is an extreme sport
alright well scuba diving is more risky more chance of dieing example here is the actual definition
....well, that's ONE definition anyway. And a poor one at that. If the total number of sports is n, then the number of "extreme" sports, using that definition, is simply n-2, at least. If people disagree, then the number of extreme sports could actually be the total number of sports.

alright well scuba diving is more risky more chance of dieing example here is the actual definition
Even so - SCUBA is a very safe sport. I don't have the stats, but I've gotta think that a lot more people die or become seriously injured playing football than they do diving (due to the sheer # of people involved if nothing else). Hell, I've broken my leg twice playing football. I've never broken anything going diving - despite the fact that I've gone diving more than I have played football. From my perspective, playing football is a whole lot more risky than diving.

If you wanna talk about what's risky and what's not, first you have to define what you mean by "risk". You seem to associate risk with chance of death. Not everyone does. Once you do define risk, others may or may not agree with your definition - even if you pull it right from a dictionary :)
Thanks everyone for all of your input. I kind of understand everyone's point of view.

Maybe the older companies and dive shops will adapt to attracting the next generation of divers, instead of focusing on the older age group, because they have money.

Then diving as a "sport" can take the next leap together in attracting more and more people.

Who knows?

:blinking:Thank you for providing me with another opportunity to ..... for..... um entertainment.... yeah that's it!

I am so glad you "think you kind of understand everyone's point of view". That is a very valuable ability in the business world.:)

Another valuable thing to understand if you want to be successful in business is this. Your customers are the ones who are willing and able to give you their money for your product. Age doesn't matter assets do. If the dive industry stops "focusing on the older age group, because they have money" the only leap that will occur is into bankrupcy!

What will keep our sport going is the passion of the participants. The way it draws young and old together. The willingness of experienced people to nurture and encourage the less experienced which has nothing to do with age. I have seen inexperienced old divers and experienced young ones. I have never seen any evidence of this battle between young and old.

I have seen macho and elitist attitudes scare away prospective divers. IMHO it is the "If you don't do ******* (my way) and use ****** (like me) you are going to die" statements that endanger our sport. For the record... macho is not the sole realm of chest beating males of the species.

How about we just enjoy our common passion and not create divisions that do not exist?

oh NudeDiver thanks so much for the Andrew Jackson quote... what a gem:blinking:
Not trying to be mean but In order to break 2 legs in football you have to be very unaware of whats going on. I played football in a division 2 Highschool. Recorded most defensive tackles and sacks in the league. Football is quite safe if you condition for it and keep your body strong and sturdy. Not trying to be a prick. Yes Football is safe and yes things can go wrong but you can say the same thing for Scuba. Scuba is safe if you check everything and make sure you follow the normal stuff but if one thing goes wrong then bam (its a life or death situation). Since 1980 32 people have died due to HEAT exhaustion not because they were playing football because of the heat. They could have stopped that from happening. Now according to Diver's alert network there is an average of 100 deaths an year please correct me if anyone actually knows the real average. so according to that lets take it this way Football: 32 people =dead
Scuba diving since 1980 do the math. but I am not trying to make this a fight just comparing Football and scuba diving they don't have anything in common really, so arguing about them is a bad thing. Now like i said the definition out of (if anyone can check it out in a real dictionary that would be great) considered more dangerous Scuba diving falls into that section. Just us Scuba Divers are very safe and cautious, that is counting on mother nature doesn't apply but it does so that is what kills a lot of scuba divers.

In this same report DAN stated that the initial triggering event (which began the sequence of events that ultimately led to death) of scuba diving deaths for the year were as follows:

* Insufficient Gas: 14%

* Rough Seas/Strong Current: 10%

* Natural Disease: 9%

* Entrapment: 9%

* Equipment Problems: 8%

* Could Not be Determined: 20%

Note that many of these events could/should have been avoided - such as running out of gas. This fact holds true for many of the deaths reported each year. So while scuba is fun and exciting, a diver must know what he is doing and not panic in case of a problem. Proper training is essential as is following scuba diving safety rules. And that my friends is why it's considered an extreme sport.
Not trying to be mean but In order to break 2 legs in football you have to be very unaware of whats going on.
I'm aware I got my legs broken. On one of them, I felt it breaking when I was being tackled, and I said, "wait, wait" but of course, it's not like the guy could just stop. Got a hand broken too. When I got up, I said, "I distinctly heard something snap" (which I did). That one required surgery and pins. Kinda sucked.

I played football in a division 2 Highschool.
I played pickup games on random fields here and there. Sometimes in the snow. Sometimes not.

Not trying to be a prick.
I'll have to take your word for it :)

...Now according to Diver's alert network there is an average of 100 deaths an year please correct me if anyone actually knows the real average. so according to that lets take it this way Football: 32 people =dead
Please note that I said death or serious many people have been seriously injured playing football? I dunno the number, but I'm going to guess, "lots". I like this headline from today's CNN: Dead athletes' brains show damage from concussions (give it a read, it's pretty interesting - esp. that bit about brain damage in an 18 year old).

For years after his NFL career ended, Ted Johnson could barely muster the energy to leave his house. "I'd [leave to] go see my kids for maybe 15 minutes," said Johnson. "Then I would go back home and close the curtains, turn the lights off and I'd stay in bed. That was my routine for two years. "Those were bad days."

But from your posts, "risk" seems to be all about dying. That's fine. A narrow view, but one you're entitled to. Personally, I think there are LOTS of things that are worse than death :)
Thank-You that was a very interesting article, well thank the lord i stopped playing football after 1 year. Ah sorry if I seemed one minded about risk and dying didn't mean it to be that way. That's too bad well maybe the guy who broke your leg probably had some brain damage :joke:
I do believe we have a winner.

Haha, you guys are funny. First this thread goes from young vs old, to is diving a sport or not to dive shops not buying advertising off our company, so I make this post.

Even if this were true, I don't think dive shops would want to buy advertising that is free.

Nice try:wink:

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