You know you're a scuba diver when...

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Just looking to have a little fun. Please complete the following phrase, You know you're a scuba diver when...

Your lawn is growing out of control and you spend $500 on a BP/wing set up instead of getting the lawn mower fixed. Hypothetically speaking of course.
You have about 100 times more scuba related favorites on your computer than anything else.
You are not alone!!
How about when you're profile pic is your dive gear on the back porch? :laughing:

I need to do this........

Your dive gear is worth twice or three times as much as your car... (and is better maintained)!

You go on a trip and constantly spend more money on your breathing gas than you do automobile gas.
...when you can't remember anything from your driver's ed handbook, but have the Fish and Game pamphlet memorized.
when... Your non-diving friends stop asking you to hang out with them because you are always out station diving(in my case..hahaha)...and the first thing they ask when they see you is "tell me about your dives"
How about when you're profile pic is your dive gear on the back porch? :laughing:

I need to do this........

Look in my photo gallery and see why my dog thinks I'm crazy. It took me forever to find something that would stay in place in the neoprene neck seal without shooting out when the air pressure built up. The latex wrist seals were easy, 16oz water bottles covered by 5mil gloves.
..when booking a vacation is no longer about where you are going topside, but how little time you can possibly spend topside.
~When your dog whines the minute he sees your dive gear come out. Mommy's leaving again!
~When you pay your neighbors in abalone for dogsitting.
~Your cubicle looks like an aquarium.
~More than half of your conversations begin with "how's the vis?"
~When you stagger into work an hour late on Monday morning, no one things you were out drinking, but instead asks if you have any dive pictures.
~You're determining whether you can afford to go with the Ikelite DS-125 strobe if you apply to a couple fewer medical schools.
~You had gear insurance before you had health insurance.
~You refer to your time at work as "offgassing" between dives.
~Your workday is divided into 30 minutes for work, 3.5 hrs on Scubaboard and 3 hours surfing various reports and forecasts for the coming weekend.
~The dive shop owners, motel workers, and waitresses in a city three and a half hours away know you better than your boss does.
~You're nicer to people who cut you off in traffic because they have a dive flag sticker.
~You get into more arguments about the genus of a mystery nudibranch than you do about politics.

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