You know you're a scuba diver when...

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You're sitting here reading this and still have the chlorine smell from last nights pool session.
... you equilbrate when walking down the stairs
... you answer "Suunto" when asked what kind of computer you use
... you have a snorkel sticking out of the bottom of your pants
... you spit on your glasses before putting them on
... you make a 360 circle before parking your car
... you make a back flip to get out of bed
... you take an SMB into the bath tub
... you try using your C-card in an ATM

I almost fell out of my chair reading these!!!!

spit on your glassses....:laughing:

you try to take 20 minute showers so you can log them.
Another one! When I call my GF, "hey buddy," instead of her name.
When you use hand signals while talking on the telephone.

When you decide what new car to purchase based on whether or not it will haul dive gear for two people.

When you decide to park that new car in the driveway so you can use the garage as a wet locker.

When you refer to your laundry room as a "rinse station".

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
1. When you can stay up until 3:00am discussing MOD's, PO2's, O2 cleaning... but can't stay awake at work for 20 minutes straight... (unless you're reading Scubaboard... :wink: )
2. When you are considering a date, it makes a difference if she'll look good in a wetsuit or a skin... :eyebrow:
3. You're willing to drive an hour one away to a dive shop, but think it's a PITA to go to the grocery one block away.
4. Your kids actually ask if they "HAVE to go to the pool again tonight?"
5. You and your buddies day dream about cashing out 401K's and purchasing your own dive shop somewhere WARM!!!.
6. Spend $6K on master bath remodel only to find that your scuba gear gets more time in the whirlpool garden tub than you do...
you walk down a street seeing the buildings, thinking if this were underwater it would make an interesting dive.
...when you drive by a lake and wonder if there are any wrecks on the bottom. drag your non-diving spouse into a dive shop and spend two hours in there while they sit patiently and you 'outfit' them with gear.
...when you open your trunk and you have a SCUBA gear bag and cylinder holders in there and there is no room for groceries.

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