I'm not sure it's fair to bash someone's English skills. I'm pretty hard on people as a rule, but I don't think poor English should result in instant condemnation. I screw up the language myself occasionally and I think I have a better understanding of it than most (I know, that sounds arrogant).
I'm sympathetic if spelling errors are made, as long as my questions and problems are being properly addressed. I don't care for people dodging questions or giving vague, contradictory answers. I'm even happy being told "I don't know."
At this point I question whether or not I am even owed an answer here, as I am no longer a potential customer, having decided to purchase elsewhere regardless of the answers I find. However, I suspect others are curious about the answers as well; perhaps some of them are potential customers.
I did take Ayisha's wonderful advice and messaged Piotr. I'm waiting to hear back from him, hopefully he's busy diving.
This is the reason why I dont like forums, regardless of language and translation skills "you can read a book in 100 different ways" so please call 201 710 0042 and you can hear answers to important questions in at least few different common languages
English, Spanish, Polish, German and Russian (depends on who is working when as our team is quite large)
Kanadian_Kash nobody, never condemned you because nobody can stop you from buying or doing wherever you feel like BUT we will be in trouble and you will be verrrrrry unhappy if we wouldn't let you know about possible different then you may think of / or expected solutions to eventual problem if you buy from place A or B. Its our job and responsibility as an US / Canadian distributor to inform you about that.
Any xDeep customer from wherever comes is always xDeep customer ! Thats what matters the most
... and lastly when I say friends I mean FRIENDS as I don't have enemies in life ... so be well friends and dive safe !
---------- Post added April 19th, 2015 at 10:28 PM ----------
I haven't been in the dive industry, therefore I do not understand. Please explain. Are you the manufacturer? Are you authorized to guarantee warranty or not? If so, to what extent, on the X Deep products you sell or all X Deep products?
You keep contradicting yourself. First you talk about warranty exclusions, then state that the warranty will always be honored. Which is true?
Ok so here I will try my best again.
Q:Are you the manufacturer?
A: No we are not, by agreements with xdeep we are exclusive US / Canadian distributor
Q:Are you authorized to guarantee warranty or not? If so, to what extent, on the X Deep products you sell or all X Deep products?
A:Its not either we are authorized or not, we are REQUIRED by American LAW ! Accordingly, our status of a distributor (as somebody that drives in (is it good term ?

or introduce product to the market) is treated exactly same way like manufacturer.
Q: First you talk about warranty exclusions, then state that the warranty will always be honored. Which is true?
A: xDeep warranty always will be honored but will be handled differently depends on a nature of purchase.
Let me explain in form of a case example, imagine that you decide to save 50 or just anything and buy in Korea (I have no idea about possible savings) and have it shipped to USA, means Korean dealer makes some bucks, then when some problems shows up you come to US dealer / distributor and say: unit broke, here it is and now you fix it (which every xDeep distributor will try first locally anyway to shorten turn around time and lack of computer on customers hand, don't wanna speak for other distributors or dealers but TecDiveGear.com is lending computers / lights and other gear when working on warranty issue and we are very happy about being able to provide and not to leave customer without piece of gear) but if unable to fix locally ship to factory in Europe on US dealer cost (since it would be really bad customer service to make customer pay for it) so not only US dealer / distributor didn't make any income nor covered the costs at the first place but in addition will have to spend money to solve the problem that seller is obligated to deal with by receipt / transaction of sale. Any dealer / distributor would be (have to be) ok with occasional loss if you and other local customers would make a purchased from him.
That's why when you try to shop for some scuba brands in Europe (not advertising any) websites will state "product can't be shipped to country a,b,c" and you are required to buy from local dealer or those warranty changes / exclusions (not sure which here is politically correct) will apply.