Suggestion Wow...

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I guess I don't follow what you are saying... if no one has been banned for asking questions, why do you think we would start with you? All of those banned were sent notices through the e-mail they have on our system. If they did not receive them, then it was not lack of trying on our end. We are not bound to go and open up their mail for them.

You are still asking for answers to questions that I tell you we will not answer due to privacy concerns. One of those who you e-mailed just apologised for how you just misrepresented them. Go figure.
We have dive trips and get-togethers to discuss that are far more entertaining to think about. :D

Difficult when two of those that are now banned are people who organize dive trips!! That is quite unfortunate when people who are actively encouraging and organizing diving excursions for other Board members, are no longer able to do so. I think we are the ones who are losing out.

(I also have received an e-mail from Wreck Wench where she is adamant that she has received no information about her banning.)

if no one has been banned for asking questions, why do you think we would start with you?

Pete - to begin with, I started not one but TWO seperate threads, simply asking why Cobaltbabe was banned. Both were simply removed without any warning or prior notice. I have also received emails from banned members saying they were banned without warning. Which is why I suspect I would be next.

One of those who you e-mailed just apologised for how you just misrepresented them. Go figure.

Actually, Pete, she said she felt it would have been better if I called you a liar (her words, not mine) about notification being received in PM, and not for the whole world to see. She said nothing to me about being misrepresentative. If that's what she's saying to you, so be it.

May I also suggest that you reconsider any policy re: banning and public disclosure. You cite privacy concerns - I cite human necessity of communication. These are our friends. In many cases, Scubaboard is the only way we communicate. For them to just disappear is traumatic enough, but when you won't even tell us why, what sort of reaction are you expecting?

We don't want the entire soap opera - we want a specific circumstance and a general reason. IE - Jepuskar was banned because one of the mods felt his prior behaviour was un-nice, and therefore, we decided to simply proactively ban him before he got mean again. Or "Lawman was banned for repeatedly trolling, even though he was warned privately not to do so." Or "RavenC was banned because we think she and Seajay are the same person." Whatever - just let us know what's going on!
I have a question for NetDoc.

Are the "you are being banned" notices sent out by e-mail or by PM??
If PM then how would the banished receive the message if that person can no longer sign in?


If by e-mail, does the sender override the disabled e-mail function in that person's profile to increase the probability that the banished member receives the notification?

Looking at my own profile, I had the e-mail notification by administrator disabled. I'm wondering if the banished member failed to receive the notice due to their personal settings. However, with something as serious as banning, I would expect the sender to access the user's profile to get the banished's e-mail address.

I don't need an explanation for the banning. SeaJay and his ilk are a waste of bandwidth and have been since they signed up.

My opinion of him is not something that I would put on a family board. As for the rest, this isn't a dating board for bored, pathetic middle aged people to flirt online.

I agree 110%. last time I checked this was SCUBA - board.
These are our friends. In many cases, Scubaboard is the only way we communicate. For them to just disappear is traumatic enough, but when you won't even tell us why, what sort of reaction are you expecting?

I think this is the reason that Boogie is upset and quite honestly I don't blame him. Almost all of the people I now dive with have been found on boards like this. To suddenly lose contact with a few "friends" would really suck.

diverbrian - if your best friend got fired from your plant I'm sure you'd want to know why. Especially if he claims to have no idea why he got canned! How comfortable would you be working in that plant if the employees are being removed by what looks like a whim? I realize that there probably is a reason for the bannings but to a few people it looks unjust

I'm not sure how I feel about this. I have not had alot of contact with the newly departed but of the few scuba type boards that I use this one is probably my least favorite. This kind of stuff doesn't improve it in my mind either.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. I have not had alot of contact with the newly departed but of the few scuba type boards that I use this one is probably my least favorite. This kind of stuff doesn't improve it in my mind either.

I agree, except for the part about this being the least favorite scuba board. This is my favorite board, and I've switched almost exclusively to it.

I didn't want to post my "two cents" into what is getting NUTS here, but after closely following it I too would like to know what the deal is here. I have to say that the administrators are not defending their actions satisfactorily to their subscribers. The answering comments are coming off very strongly as blase, like they really aren't interested in better articulating themselves. At the very least I would have expected something along the lines as...

"We understand your concerns. Please be patient as we confer with our forum moderators and get all the facts. A formal explanation will be forthcoming shortly."

This is the standard for even video game message boards (I ahem... subscribe to a few). Just take a look at the rate of postings and number of viewings on this thread, and you'll see how many subscribers are following it.

And maybe just maybe the subscribers are catching something dastardly that most of the admin isn't aware of. It DOES happen ya' know. Certainly we're not being led to the contrary, and it would really SUCK if one of us got banned unfairly.

I know I only just joined this message board last month, but I like it a lot for its content, subscribers, organization, and professional conduct. As such I expect a very high standard from the administrators, and until now I have received just that. Please reconfirm that view.
Boogie... you can call me names all you like. Whether it be liar, dictator or friend and that's your choice. You can demand that I go against my beliefs about privacy all you want, and that simply will not happen.

Diverlady, the message sent out is always to their e-mail. Whether or not you have selected to accept e-mails from the board is moot, as there are a few of us who have access to all e-mail addresses.

Bridgediver... even if that was your bestest friend fired from the plant, chances are management would never discuss their termination with you. You would get that information from the friend/ex-employee.

As most boards go, and as big as we are (20,000 plus), we really have had very few permanent bannings. We hope to keep it that way.
Netdoc - Once again - it was her words, not mine. I haven't called you a liar.

So, in order to erase any confusion, could you please tell us what was in the first two threads regarding this topic which caused them to be yanked, yet is obviously not in this thread, because it is still here? Far be it from me to suggest inconsistent behaviour, I am curious, merely in making sure the same mistake doesn't happen again. I would not want to accidentally offend a moderator AGAIN.

This is quite a concern - you said "no one has been banned for asking questions," yet I had not one but two threads pulled for simply 'asking questions.' So, to clarify - you can't be banned, but you can have your stuff yanked??? Or is it more complicated than that?

I merely want to play by the rules so that the same fate doesn't befall me as befell Cobaltbabe or Raven. So, for the boards benefit - may you please clarify that for everyone?
Maybe reading Scuba Boards TOS might help. Privacy and keeping it "family friendly" is a big PLUS here. Whatever happened, I trust it was done for a legitamite reason and was done in a fair way
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