Suggestion Wow...

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I dont think I would refer to TDS as SB's competition... Thats like comparing a Gremlin to a BMW. There just isnt any comparison...

Well, hey, now that NetDoc is bringing in corporate revenue, and SB members (and eyeballs) are threatening to leave in favor of TDS, I think you could call it that :wink:
To all who may worry...

People have been banned in the past and will possibly be banned in the future. That is the nature of a bulletin board. You can know that no one moderator is ever responsible for a permanent ban. We administer by committee.

You can also rest assured that we will never discuss the nature of a ban with a third party. That is between us and those directly involved. While it invariably comes up that you may not have seen any violations of the TOS, it does not mean that there were none. It probably means that we were quicker removing them then you were reading the same.

I hope this helps.
Yeah, be careful. This isn't about TDS vs. Scubaboard, I don't see them as competitors. It's about the fact that we have a rogue moderator... threads being pulled, people being banned without notice. It's disgusting.
What portion of the TOS did Medic13 violate?

Does *HE* know which part it was?
And for that matter, what rule was violated in the previous thread on the same topic that caused it to be pulled?
All those who were banned were informed by e-mail.

Most threads that get pulled are discussed first before final action is taken. At that point we usually PM the initiator of the thread to explain why. This may take some time as we have the discussion. Patience is always best.
Want to give us an idea of what sort of timeline we're looking at here Doc?

As I see it, I'm owed two seperate notices. And your moderator has managed to piss off a WHOLE lot of people in the process.

I'm all for doing whatever you want - it's your board. But as a Risk Communications Consultant, let me toss in a free bit of advice - this ISN'T the way to do it. A little bit of MEANINGFUL communication goes a long way.
As for Medic13, I just checked his account and he has not been banned. I went ahead and sent him an email so he can re-set his password, but no one in management locked him out. I think we have a classic over-reaction here.
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