Suggestion Wow...

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This is quite a concern...

Actually, its not. It is, however, becoming somewhat amusing watching this melodrama unfold.

This is an internet board. If you and SeaJay were such buddies, just give him a telephone call. Or haven't you visited the outside world recently?

SeaJay et al were banned for reasons that were satisfactory to the owner. NetDoc has confirmed that SB followed the procedure it has used for as long as I can remember, which is that bannings are discussed amoungst the mods before they are put into place.

Whining about your "rights" and the emotional trauma you've purportedly suffered over the loss of your "friend" won't change things. And, quite frankly, it shouldn't.

Think of it this way. The owner of the scubaboard "house" told some guests to leave. You, as another guest, can deal with it or you can leave as well.

Dutchfin - the first thread that was yanked read merely along the lines of "Hey - what happened to Cobaltbabe. I tried to PM her and it bounced back, and it says NA under her name."

That was it.

I don't see how that's not "family-friendly."

NEW - I have nothing against you personally, but I'm done with you. Your behaviour is boorish and condescending. Say what you want, I don't care, but posting merely a "LOL" after I voice a complain in the other thread speaks volumes - you're taking pleasure in peoples hurt here. That speaks poorly of you as a person, and I'm sure you're a better person than that.

I've made my point succesfully, I'm pretty sure I'm done here. I've gotten more PM's of support from strangers in the last 24 hours than I think the entire rest of my scubaboard existence combined. I've gotten personal emails and MSN messages agreeing with me totally. NetDoc - you're on your own on this one. If you'd like to discuss anything further, I'd welcome it, especially via PM, but with all due respect, I doubt I'll hear anything of substance.

To everyone - watch your back, and gather email addresses of those you are close to on here. You never know when the axe will fall down on your head.
Wreck Wench did not call Pete a liar. Boogie, you seem to want to help folks who've been banned, but it doesn't look like you are being very effective. Kamala complained to you that you called Pete a liar. She did not say you should have called him a liar in a PM. She said if you wanted to discuss her not getting notified, it should have been in a PM. Yes, liar was her word, but it was not directed as an accusation at Pete, it was a complaint about your post.

Honestly, I'm not happy about what has happened with banning members and with threads being pulled. OTOH, I know Pete personally and he has earned my respect and trust. I have every confidence that he is looking into this situation and that he will be fair. I trust this man with my life. If there is a problem, someone mentioned a "a rogue moderator", Pete will find it and fix it.

I think this thread has served a useful purpose. It has called Pete's attention to a problem. Let's calm down and give Pete time to solve it. Patience is important right now.
There are suspensions which are for a specified time and there are bannings which are generally for life, although at least one exception has been made. I don't know if this last batch were suspended, banned or if there were some of each.
Bridgediver... even if that was your bestest friend fired from the plant, chances are management would never discuss their termination with you. You would get that information from the friend/ex-employee.

I agree that there would be no discussion but there would be an explanation or reason (at least there should be). If its theft, harassment, lack of productivity or anything really the employer should say something to the other workers otherwise morale and trust suffers (as is apparent here) - this is basic management stuff.

We don't need details but providing a reason will dispell the rumours. I'm not even suggesting that the whole board needs to know but for people who are curious or ask questions I think there could be an explanation that doesn't effect confidentiality. Something like "We asked Bill not to post *blah* and he kept doing it so now he's no longer welcome here". What's wrong with that?
I agree that there would be no discussion but there would be an explanation or reason (at least there should be). If its theft, harassment, lack of productivity or anything really the employer should say something to the other workers otherwise morale and trust suffers (as is apparent here) - this is basic management stuff.

I disagree. You may consider this "basic management stuff", but I say "reasonable minds may differ". It is bad form to tell the general work population that someone is a thief, harassed someone, or is lazy.

Here, I am in favor of receiving more "general" info, if it would help me understand when I'm close to crossing a line myself, but the board management has no obligation to give us any. For me, I don't wish to receive any info personal to an individual, especially since I've never met any of the affected folks.
Back up your PM info and buddy lists kids!

I just did.

I'm with ya Boogie.

There's always the deco stop...........

just a thought. especially with this being corporate now, it'd really cheese of a few honcho's if the customer base dropped dramatically.

Some bans are probably legit, but it seems some are bogus as well. I suggest getting the goods from the banned folks, and posting them here. Surely that's not against policy.

Also, again just a thought, why not just resign under a diff login? like Seajay2?

hey, could be a coincedence.

I haven't fooled with the logging in to see the "catches" in this site, but I can't imagine it being too difficult to get around if you needed to.

Backed up and ready to go.
Hmmm... a Family board.

Explains why WW was banned. All that planning of singles trips, wanting a Singles Forum, asking questions of other singles etc. How UNfamily-like!

I'd ask her why she was banned but she doesn't know.

Boogie.....dude, you seem to have serious conspiracy theory issues. If the administrators decide to remove someone, then I'm sure it's for a good reason. If it wasn't, then what can you do anyway...? Get past it, Netdoc had already said that your questions about why they got punted wouldn't be answered due to policy, you havn't been kicked off for asking them. I'm sure if there was an evil mod dropping fire and brimstone on people, you would have caught their attention by now. Just keep in touch with those folks through e mail, phone, two cans and a wire.... whatever. It's not like they can't dive anymore, everyone dove before they got to this site, we can all do so without it. I just don't thnk you'll get anything to satisfy your why questions on here...
Less stress, it's no biggie folks, they're all still alive, no divers were harmed in the making of this discussion group....

dive safe all...
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