Suggestion Wow...

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Just a clarification to the last post. Member's PM's are not accessable by the Moderators. The only way we know what you write in a PM is if we are sent a copy.


I think you guys just don't know how to do it. It can be done. I have seen it done and it is why I never write ANYTHING on the internet that I don't want the world to see.
Notice I said some not all. I am a FNG here and I have been watching. Its all political but privacy is paramount.
These privacy arguments keep coming up and I think they're ridiculous. Whatever someone does to get banned was done in a public forum. You have absolutely no expectation of privacy when you post something here.
These privacy arguments keep coming up and I think they're ridiculous. Whatever someone does to get banned was done in a public forum. You have absolutely no expectation of privacy when you post something here.

My point as well BUT the reason and outcome remains with the accused and accusers. Thats the way these internet board games are played.

Sure, if we turn off the encryption it can be done. This won't happen on my watch.


I used a username and not my real name. Which is exactly what you are doing now. However, I did not ban the user, though from the evidence of his intention to disrupt, I highly reccomended that it be done.
You guys are very close to being a 6th grade class of crybabies. This place is a privately owned internet bulliten board owned by someone to allow you to communicate with those of similar interests. You have no "rights" here nor any say unless its within guidelines of the board owners and moderators. Stop crying. You can't PM a banned individual but you don't have an email address? You know this person how well? Me thinks that soon the headshrinkers will have another category of treatment called 'Internet World Dillusional Family Syndrome" to treat. Get off the keyboard and get a life. This place by no means should mean life and death to ANYONE. Some of you sound pretty pathetic. From what I read this cj and flock were working an online dating service via this boards assets. The ownership and management slapped their cyber hands and unless you are privvy to the act they are gone. Don't let the door hit them in the seat cushion on the way out. Its all a revolving door and honestly...if you really care you would know the particulars and would be looking from the outside in. I don't agree with 99% of the people I deal with but guess have one choice. Deal with it or leave. I haven't been around here long enough to really get to know anyone so this post is pretty much benign to "cyber friends". If this po's you then you have serious issues. If you agree or laugh...your normal.

Have a nice day!

Hopefully people take this the right way - I have to agree with this post. I've been a web forum surfer since the mid-80's when the internet went public and its always at the point when there is a large number of people who forget that forums are actually started and operated by individuals with an idea and who volunteer their time that the "rights" issue gets brought up.

I've got a rule of thumb for any forum that I post on - treat the forum as if you are a visitor in someones living room; respect the mods and the other visitors as if you were visiting family or friends.

Based on that rule of judgment I've not had one issue, feeling of "rights" infringement, or any other sort of conflict dating back to 1985. Thats not to say someone hasn't flamed me for whatever reason seemed to interest them, but its not in my right as a guest to make conflict as a guest in someones virtual living room.

I have no clue what the underlaying issue is that lead to this other than a post removal - in my experience a mod or board owner does that when they feel that there is justification. I've been in that spot, I know what sort of thought goes into that judgement call. Time will sort out the details and whatever actions (corrective/restrictive) that occur will. Just remember that the board is a service that is offered openly, free of charge for us to use - and for that I am thankful as I have met a great number of new dive buddies and folks with common interest here that my wife and I have met for dives.

Sure, if we turn off the encryption it can be done. This won't happen on my watch.


I used a username and not my real name. Which is exactly what you are doing now. QUOTE]

I, however, use the same username across many boards and chat rooms so my identity is known.

Sure, if we turn off the encryption it can be done. This won't happen on my watch.


I used a username and not my real name. Which is exactly what you are doing now. QUOTE]

I, however, use the same username across many boards and chat rooms so my identity is known.

I, however, chose to use my real life "typical" network ID - this is because I meet people here face to face and I like the privacy of my normal handle. m@k3$ $en$3 eh?
Hopefully people take this the right way - I have to agree with this post. I've been a web forum surfer since the mid-80's when the internet went public and its always at the point when there is a large number of people who forget that forums are actually started and operated by individuals with an idea and who volunteer their time that the "rights" issue gets brought up.

I've got a rule of thumb for any forum that I post on - treat the forum as if you are a visitor in someones living room; respect the mods and the other visitors as if you were visiting family or friends.

I like this concept, however don't your expect you friends to be up front and honest with you? I have a group of friends that regularly get together for dinner. If someone started excluding a member of that group I would expect them to explain why. I don't want the dirt. I don't want a Jerry Springer episode. But I would expect more then, "It's my house and I decided not to invite him... anyone want dessert?"
I like this concept, however don't your expect you friends to be up front and honest with you? I have a group of friends that regularly get together for dinner. If someone started excluding a member of that group I would expect them to explain why. I don't want the dirt. I don't want a Jerry Springer episode. But I would expect more then, "It's my house and I decided not to invite him... anyone want dessert?"

Perhaps an explaination is waiting for the right time to be shared. :)
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