Suggestion Wow...

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SeaJay said he got banned because in a reply to a question about why he wasn't sure if he was allowed back into a certain hotel, he explained that he was late checking out as he and RavenC were"busy". Apparently "busy" is a taboo word in this case.

My two peso's
No Laser, your identity is a complete enigma, and that's how it should be if you want it.

I found it rather amusing that I signed on as Bluto to listen to what Popeye was planning. I didn't say much either... I pretty much just let the transcript roll and checked it every now and then. Somehow, I don't see my "fact finding tour" as nefarious as you are trying to make it out to be. But now that you mention it, I did identify myself on the way out the door. If you are dumb enough to plan things out in the open, in front of a brand new user who has the same name as your nom de plume's arch rival, and he does nothing but hang out, then you have no one to blame but yourself. You have to admit it was a classic move. The really great thing was that I never violated any TOS in doing it.
You have to admit it was a classic move. The really great thing was that I never violated any TOS in doing it.
Weren't you earlier today talking about doing things because they are right and ethical?
Okay, now that I've read all 10 pages of whining and complaining (at which I have sincerely had some good laughs), I can honestly say....don't you have better things to talk about?
All of the people on here that I want to talk to, I have their personal email address, phone #s, life is not going to be over if they are banned. LOL.
For the most part, I've chosen not to associate with any of the recently banned members (with the exception of Cobaltbabe), and although I don't know what has gone into their banning, I'm sure at least some of them had it coming for a long time. I agree with keeping the reasons private, why should anyone know? Working in HR for so long, we NEVER let anyone know someone got fired, let alone the reasons behind it, and I don't see why a board like this should be any exception. I know a guy, who shall remain nameless, who practically got off on causing trouble for the mods. It's like he never graduated from the "nah, nah, nah look what I can do" stage. To him, good riddence. The board is better without him and others like him.
Granted I've had a couple threads pulled as well, when I have been over the line or someone has written something to mess up my threads, but I understand the reasons behind them and I choose to accept the way things are, because I like it here. :)
I don't think there is some huge conspiracy here, and I don't think any of you have anything to worry about while getting banned. If you're "dear friends" are not allowed on the board, go somewhere else. Chances are, if they are not welcome here, you may become guilty by association, or you have the same attitude that got them banned, in which case, read the rules of being here and if you don't like it, leave. I'm not here to make any enemies and my diving or my life will not be tragically altered if I or anyone I choose to talk to outside of SB gets banned. If your life is that pathetic that you are this seriously upset about this kind of thing, seriously consider getting a life.
Weren't you earlier today talking about doing things because they are right and ethical?
Of course I did, because I do just that... however, if someone is threatening my turf and my friends, then you can bet I am going to do my homework and find out what they are up to. How in the world is that unethical? How in the world is that not right? Do you think I should just be a victim to some cyber thugs because you don't think it's fair to hide behind a user name? That you even suggest this while hiding behind your username is the ultimate in hypocrisy.
Of course I did, because I do just that... however, if someone is threatening my turf and my friends, then you can bet I am going to do my homework and find out what they are up to. How in the world is that unethical? How in the world is that not right? Do you think I should just be a victim to some cyber thugs because you don't think it's fair to hide behind a user name? That you even suggest this while hiding behind your username is the ultimate in hypocrisy.
No one is threatening your turf or your friends... relax...
I like this concept, however don't your expect you friends to be up front and honest with you? I have a group of friends that regularly get together for dinner. If someone started excluding a member of that group I would expect them to explain why. I don't want the dirt. I don't want a Jerry Springer episode. But I would expect more then, "It's my house and I decided not to invite him... anyone want dessert?"

You've got 20,000 or so people over for dinner?
Maybe some help here. Go to cj's last "i'm coming to canada". Read the WHOLE thread, 14 pages, and see if you can't hypothize a somewhat obvious conclusion. LOL...
I'm bored. Just to show you how bored I am, I read this whole thread. Now I am so bored, I am depressed too. But I am still amazed.
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