World's First Artificial Gills Re-breather

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I've read they also charge a processing fee for every refund.
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Oh, this is rich (from their campaign comments on IGG):

So just to be clear, the microporous membrane and the extracting O2 from water was just a straight LIE that you told?


Saeed KhademiCampaigner18 hours ago
Hi Francesco, it is not a lie, we said that we use our artificial gills with the liquid oxygen, not the liquid oxygen by itself, this is the way we produce enough oxygen for a human to breath. --Emphasis mine, jl

No, in the original product pitch, he never said that at all. The whole 'liquid oxygen' thing is an add-on that was placed in the NEW scam word copy. Thing is, it doesn't relate to anything in the original copy at all, which remains unchanged. Glaringly stands out as unrelated material. Wish someone would call him out on that publicly.
With no other way to react, to be rude with the backer, with indiegogo and those scammers, I'm afraid that the clever people are forced to play the stupid game and complain about "expensive" 20$ oxygen cans instead of anything else ... Triton's got liquid oxygen like Brawndo's got electrolytes ...
I'm afraid I have to announce that we are that far now.
This world is a nightmare. I'm glad I have no kids and I hope to be able to stand it until I die of natural death (half dark humor).
Indiegogo makes the world a better place for scammers.

Laws being helpless. Juges, police and politics doing nothing while some people are scamming the world in the daylight, imagine what would happen if some kind of fatwa tries to pick this situation up.

Okay, I know I'm close to win a Godwin award.
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So this "liquid oxygen" is not what you are supposed to breath ? Not only ? It helps to extract more oxygen from the sea ? Is it a fuel cell ? A chemical catalyzer ? Both ? Oh, I'm such a good scammer !
What gas mix are the users supposed to breath ?
Okay, than next scam will be the water pill. Put this pill in big a glass. Add 10cc of sea water and you'll enjoy a full liter of clear water that you can drink.
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A water pill is "almost" practical and more so then Triton's nonsense because you can precipitate out calcium carbonate by raising alkalinity enough. Lol

I have a son, @fiduce, and I hear you. While I'm very thankful for the good fortune I've had a long the way so far, it's still tempting for me to feel disenfranchised at times and concerned about how he will succeed when I look at the things that are happening to us around the world and more importantly within the USA. Especially, govt regulations and spending debt or should I say, willful sacrificing of freedom by the public masses and a cozy marriage between govt, media and several corporations who are stacking the house of cards.

So what do you do? I think it's my duty to train my son to be a winner through a strong work ethic and teach him to make smart calculated decisions so he will survive what this world is turning into.... IMO, a corrupt, self interested environment with the potential to make the people indentured slaves.

I'll leave it at that as I don't want to derail the thread too much, but my lord... I believe ~50 years ago a blatant scam like this would have been shut down if the authorities were aware. And if you pulled it off and got caught, punishment would have been severe. Now a days, morals and values have degraded so much, people don't even care. Put national security at risk by putting classified information on a unprotected public server or lie about terror attacks with a YouTube video, nothing. No one cares. They STILL will buy whatever you're selling. Sorry, I'm still derailing. I'll stop.
A water pill is "almost" practical and more so then Triton's nonsense because you can precipitate out calcium carbonate by raising alkalinity enough. Lol
Well, you will still have to "uncompress" 10cc of liquid into 1000cc. ;-)
I admit that my english is poor (I only recently have started to spell "gas" the correct way).
Indiegogo is putting on the same level scam and opinions.
Some people are going crazy when they watch some opponent opinions be supported by "the society" as a "every opinion is acceptable".
But this is not opinion. This is scientific scam with money and no resort to help the scammed people before they pay. They sell true magic and some well established people are helping them.

That's what Indiegogo responds when you ask them to stop this :

Thank you for reaching out. Indiegogo empowers campaign owners and contributors to raise money for, or support, the things that matter to them. Since Indiegogo is an equal opportunity platform, a wide variety of subject matters and opinions may be expressed through campaigns. Due to the fact that we do not curate these campaigns, the views reflected by campaign owners are not necessarily those of Indiegogo. Because of the diversity of our community, it's possible that something could be disagreeable or disturbing to you without meeting the criteria for being removed or blocked. With that said, we are reviewing this campaign to ensure that it complies with our Terms of Use.

So what happens now? We will include the information you have provided along with all other information at our disposal in our review of the campaign. In some cases, we will contact the campaign owner for more information or have them edit their campaign and it will remain on our platform. If we find the project or campaign owner doesn't follow our rules, we may remove the campaign. We may also restrict the campaign owner's future activities on Indiegogo.
I wonder what, if anything, the effect of the multiple complaints to indiegogo on the first incarnation of the campaign were? Did that contribute to them restarting the campaign and refunding the original backers funds? Because I'm damn sure they wouldn't have refunded over $900k if they didn't feel forced in to it.

Probably the growing wave of negative publicity was a factor and there were definitely some backers demanding refunds but I wonder if that would be enough to cause them to change their story, wave goodbye to the $900k and start again when the dollar total was still going up.

In some ways, the reboot was a cunning move - even though the revised claim of liquid oxygen is just as ludicrous as the first, the short attention span of the Internet and story fatigue will ensure that it won't be reported on (negatively) as widely. Even diligent debunkers have to shrug their shoulders at some point when people seem to be so eager to be fooled.

The word seemed to be getting through that the 'gills' claim was nonsense and the original video was a fake, it's just incredible that people are then willing to accept them doubling down with another laughable claim on liquid oxygen and a second video that is pretty much exactly what you would come up with if you needed to cobble together a hidden scuba tank and breathing tube arrangement to make a "longer" video with "more bubbles".

Is there any point in reporting it to indiegogo again? Maybe, but I doubt it. So it's time to sit back, put the popcorn back in the cupboard, wait for the howls of anger when the scammed don't receive their impossible product in December or ever, and just shrug 'we told you so'...
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