World's First Artificial Gills Re-breather

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I fear we are watching Darwin at work. Those who refuse to admit the science and live by "all opinions are equal" are doomed.
I fear we are watching Darwin at work. Those who refuse to admit the science and live by "all opinions are equal" are doomed.

Prime example... Let me know how breathing CO2 works out for you. Lol


brulon43 minutes ago
please modify or cancel my single black ops order in favor of the double the fun package to include 2 black ops. I require having the knowledge of pricing for the CO2 cylinders prior to shipping of the units. Thanks
Those who refuse to admit the science and live by "all opinions are equal" are doomed.
I wouldn't bet my savings that it'll happen on a regular enough basis to make a difference. Have you watched this documentary?
They are already pushing $200,000 on their new release. Maybe I should release my anti-gravity and perpetual motion machines.
Sounds good I've got a harness and we can tie a rope and pulley to it and we will get someone to hoit me in the air as you shoot me with a water pistol filled with grape juice (the purple will throw them off) once I'm hit someone will slowly hoist me in the air
Sounds good I've got a harness and we can tie a rope and pulley to it and we will get someone to hoit me in the air as you shoot me with a water pistol filled with grape juice (the purple will throw them off) once I'm hit someone will slowly hoist me in the air
Are you suggesting that I have not perfected these technologies and have to cheat. The only reason I am delaying is that the patent process has not been completed. I will provide a doctored video shortly.
This problem goes beyond this specific campaign.
It's the problem of a website (Indiegogo, or any other like this) giving the house keys to scammers. It's the problem of crowdfunding the crafting of a product (not the study) without any reliable fact.

They say (in the comments tab of the campaign) that they are in touch with delivery services et oxygen refills manufacturers ... but they don't say who.
They never prove nothing. Moreover, every sign that comes from them looks like scam.
They say that the device is a mix of gills and liquid oxygen cartridges, but who knows what mix of gas the user is supposed to breath ? Where does it come from ? Water ? Cartridges ?

They read the comments, delete them, and then change the pitch to avoid the biggest concerns. But the "mix of gas" pitch is not only a come back of magic: it is even more crazy than the gills-only or the oxygen-only pitches, because the magic is not working (gas compression problem before breathing) and they now have to fit both the gills and the gas cartridges in the same volume.
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This problem goes beyond this specific campaign.
It's the problem of a website (Indiegogo, or any other like this) giving the house keys to scammers. It's the problem of crowdfunding the crafting of a product (not the study) without any reliable fact.

Do those websites make money from those campaigns? If they do, that explains everything.

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