World's First Artificial Gills Re-breather

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I'm blacklisted on their facebook, but they would face the truth if someone asked them why oxygen (instead of air), and how much "liquid oxygen" they embeed in their device. How do they refrigerate the device to liquify oxygen ? ;-)
They admit that they lied. And now people are so happy because they think that this time they don't ... but they just lied a second time ;-)
I've been going round with a couple of fanboys/shills after posting comments on the new video.

One of the things I've learned today is that all along I've only been stating a scientific opinion, no more valid than any other opinion out there.

Damn, knew there was a reason I shouldn't have spent all that money for college--or dive training.
Scientific facts are this time that this device is too small to hold 45 minutes of compressed gaz, that is at leeeeaaaaast 450 liters uncompressed, staying just below the surface like a snorkeler, breathing not much.
Scientific facts say this can only be packed in a 2 liters of inner volume bottle, compressing the gaz at 3000 PSI.
Scientific facts say that volume could easily double if you dive at 10 to 15ft and breath like an average human doing nothing (15l/minute).
Scientific facts say the two handles totalise at best a half liter of inner volume (given the thickness of a 3000PSI bottle).
So you'll get obviously nothing from those guys for your 300$. But, even in an amazing dream, this would be a very expensive and dangerous 11 minutes (at the very best) snorkel device.
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People are starting to ask questions at their FB page. I think the campaign is unraveling.
People are starting to ask questions at their FB page. I think the campaign is unraveling.

Check the comments on youtube under the new video. Unlike Facebook and indiegogo, they can't control what is seen there. If you can comment on FB, be sure to ask the hard questions they don't want to answer.
I just posted this on their latest YouTube video.

So, let's do a review about these con men. First, they lied about a technology that doesn't exist. There's no such thing as a "modified" lithium battery or micro compressor strong enough to compress air into a cylinder for a human breath at depth. They are lying about extracting O2 from water. They have no such product.

Now they are lying about using liquid O2. First of all and once again, it is physically impossible to do what they are claiming on such a small scale with a tiny battery, just as it was physically impossible to do what they originally claimed.

Second, aside from the physical/scientific limitations, no government or shipping company is going to allow them to distribute O2 in any form. It's extremly dangerous. Furthermore, you would likely need a medical prescription to get any O2 fills. Finally, breathing O2 for an extended period of time on the surface is dangerous. Breathing O2 at depth, is even more dangerous.

In simple terms, a person has a limited amount of time they can breath O2 and a maximum depth they cannot exceed or they run the risk of oxygen toxicity where the diver will have convulsions, pass out and then drown to death. Scuba divers, like myself, know we typically use compressed air for diving. Air is made up of 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen, not 100% O2. We also use slightly elevated O2, up to 40% (Nitrox) for diving to extend bottom time to reduce nitrogen loading in our tissues which is the cause of decompression sickness. More advanced divers who hold a minimum certification of Advanced Nitrox have the ability to use O2 from 40-100% typically for decompression, but again, it comes with training and dive computers or tables to calculate O2 exposure to ensure we don't die.

The fact of the matter is Triton's con men are a danger to the public. Aside from these con men trying to steal your money, they are also providing terrible advice to the public regarding breathing gas at depth and advocating anyone can do it without training. Don't be the fool who gets scammed and spread the word so others don't become victims too. I can appreciate anyone who has the desire to dive and see the beauty of our oceans, if you want to do that, get certified for scuba diving. All the equipment Triton claims divers use is a disadvantage couldn't be farther from the truth. The equipment is your life support, we wouldn't carry it if we didn't have to.

As for this video. The guy is on scuba or surface supplied air. The hose is going behind the handle bar on the right side of his face (typical of any scuba regulator) and down his back and out of the camera frame. The volume of air he's creating cannot be done without scuba or surface supplied air.

Remember what con men (confidence men) do. They portray themselves as knowing what they are talking about. They are doing this with graphic design, words on a web page, staged videos and a 3D printer.

They were on the verge of stealing nearly over a million dollars on Indiegogo and even with their second campaign, who knows how much they will steal. Don't become a victim.
Unfortunately many people who watch you tube are very juvenile with their comments and will just give you a hard time that's even if they read your comments
Ah, my comment was hidden anyways, along with 70+ more. They are controlling the narrative on every direct media platform they use.

Frankly, at this point if you're stupid enough to give them your money in light of all of the information that's now out there you deserve to be scammed. Some people need to learn the hard way.

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