World's First Artificial Gills Re-breather

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This campaign would make money even if the fifth update was "We are scamming you, but we know that you just don't care".

It's of the variety of "I could stand in the street shooting people and they wouldn't care."

Like someone said earlier, what is left to do if people actively choose to be ripped off after being repeatedly shown that what is being done is a scam? Should we just wait for the inevitable and tell them "well, we tried to warn you and you refused to listen?"
Good catch and a good thread.

Debunked: Triton Artificial Gills

It's of the variety of "I could stand in the street shooting people and they wouldn't care."
Like someone said earlier, what is left to do if people actively choose to be ripped off after being repeatedly shown that what is being done is a scam? Should we just wait for the inevitable and tell them "well, we tried to warn you and you refused to listen?"
My point was more about the fact that people only see the videos and the gills stuff of the pitch. Some important info, that makes this scam a little less sexy, is already in the update tabs and in the comments.
That is still no truth, but could nonetheless brake the money counter.
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Over $240,000. There are a lot of gullible people out there. Wow.
Triton's got liquid oxygen like Brawndo's got electrolytes ...
Dude! Brawndo's got what plants need!
It's depressing to think that I could make more money designing fake dive gear than real dive gear...
Over $240,000. There are a lot of gullible people out there. Wow.
I'm also concerned by the consequences of feeding scammers and the moral lesson this story is telling us.
With the Internet, everybody is now living in that Indiegogo ghetto. The more you open your eyes, the more you understand things, the more you will see traffickers make their living from scam. Their police is corrupt.
You can get used to that. You can think about entering this system.
Organized crime contemplation. Not in a museum, not fiction, not in the newspaper. Ongoing unpunishable crime.
That can change your vision of the world.
Scamming the crowd with no other objective than convincing one out of 100 can make you rich.
What is convincing people ? Techy sketches, belief in the system ("Indiegogo would not let them scam the world", "there is regulation").
With a higher public image and in a Russian dolls system, the sky is the limit.

That Korean designer claims he made a Samsung school ?
Okay, I'm still waiting for Koreas press release, Samsung's press release.
Those "entrepreneurs" are from Sweden ?
Okay, same for Sweden.
Video was made in a swimming pool ?
Okay, I want the swimming pool guys to testify.
Video is on Youtube and people tell them it is scam ?
Okay, I want Youtube to testify.
Each clever person knowing those guys in the real life should consider them for what they do.
I want their relatives to testify. Their friends. I want some pictures showing the scam to leak.
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Triton's lead con man's reply to a question regarding the problem with temperature and liquid O2...

Mark Johnson2 days ago
A couple of sincere questions that really must be answered:

1) For oxygen to be liquid it needs to be below -119°C (-182°F). How are you providing this cooling during use?

2) The requirements for safe transport, storage and use of liquid oxygen are daunting and very stringent. How are you going to deal with these concerns? See:
( Gas O2 Safety Data Sheet SDS P4637.pdf?la=en)

See less

Saeed KhademiCampaigner6 hours ago
Hi Mark, the liquid oxygen is kept in insulated containers (called dewars). These keep the oxygen in liquid form at a temperature of -170 degrees Celius. The container consists of a lower portion where the oxygen is in a liquid state and a smaller upper portion where the liquid has evaporated creating a gas. if you follow the regulations DOT then you can send them by air, and sorry we did delete you new message but that was a misstake, so i hope you are happy with my answer, have a great day

So, to be up to date with the "currently" functioning prototype as proven in the video and per all of their comments...

The Triton handle bars and mouth piece contain a modified lithium ion battery, a charging port, a modified dual micro compressor, a vibrator, an on/off switch, LED lights, a pressure guage with a 15 fsw sensor, a breathing demand valve, a mini O2 holding tank, artificial gill fiber tubes, liquid O2 cylinders, plus all the wires, hoses, valves, fittings and.... Dewars... All in the size of a snorkel and scuba regulator. LMAO

I got your Dewars right here folks... On the rocks with a splash of Kool-Aid. I'll throw a "Black Ops" edition label on it for $299. Plus free shipping.

I got your Dewars right here folks... On the rocks with a splash of Kool-Aid. I'll throw a "Black Ops" edition label on it for $299. Plus free shipping.
View attachment 371054
Come on, man. What a scam. It's not "Black Ops Dewars" unless you actually paint the bottle black too. Sheesh!

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