Well, it seems to say that the specialty certs must be PADI. AOW and Rescue are not specialty certifications. And it says this on the application:
How did you fare on your standards exam?
That's a direct quote from the latest/current PADI manual. I can substantiate it from personal experience, having processed an MSD application to PADI just before Christmas. The student's MSD app hit their desk before his Rescue PIC did... so they contacted me to enquire where his rescue was, before processing. ... because it wasn't (yet) listed on his
PADI certification records.
This is what is written on the current MSD Application form... shockingly it is identical to the instructions given in the latest edition of the instructor manual!!...
The PADI Master Scuba Diver rating is the highest nonprofessional rating in the PADI System; it is a diver class i fi ca tion that denotes superior achievement.
To attain this rating, a diver must be a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver and PADI Rescue Diver (or hold qualifying certifications from another organization) with proof of 50 logged dives, and must hold certifications in any five PADI Specialty courses.
Please....let's not confuse the innocent divers any more....
Am I missing something here?
Yes... you are missing the difference between two entirely different agencies and their respective syllabus.
to get AOW is 4 specialties
adventure dives, plus corresponding knowledge reviews...
not specialities.
SSI AOW consists of speciality courses, it is irrelevant for the purposes of gaining a PADI MSD card.
SSI and PADI are different agencies, with different course structure and different course names. The SSI AOW is not the same thing as the PADI AOW.
PADI MSD application requires all
stated prerequisite courses to have been completed with PADI. End of story.