Why are so many female divers codependent?

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I think my fangs scare them off, cruiser.

I come from an even more ancient cultural tradition. I'm so glad to see many of the older stereotypes and cultural "norms" are changing with the current generation. It makes me feel optimistic about the future... even if their text-messaging grammar and spelling is atrocious!

I barely escaped the era when all your shoes and handbags had to match :)

Yes, what's up with this text messaging vocabulary? It takes me longer to figure it out than the real thing. I'm always the "old person" on-line because I don't abbreviate, strive for correct spelling, try to be grammatically correct, and properly punctuate and capitalize. Approaching 50 has its advantages :) I value the education our generation received.
I like to assemble all my gear, too, and have worked out a system to put it on when diving solo. The first time I went to Coz, I lugged everything on board and the crew set it up. Kind of bugged me because I didn't have a chance to make sure the air in the tank wasn't weird smelling, and I couldn't do a visual check of the o-ring. Got used to it after that, but I still put my ear to the valve when I turn on the air to make sure there's not a leak because once you're in the water it's no fun to surface early because the o-ring wasn't sealing properly.
I barely escaped the era when all your shoes and handbags had to match :)

Yes, what's up with this text messaging vocabulary? It takes me longer to figure it out than the real thing. I'm always the "old person" on-line because I don't abbreviate, strive for correct spelling, try to be grammatically correct, and properly punctuate and capitalize. Approaching 50 has its advantages :) I value the education our generation received.

I'm 23 and aim for the same, I hate to abbreviate in particular (and probably waste a fortune in my text messages because of it!). Any that slip through, it is by mistake. Don't think it is just an 'old person' thing cruiser. :)
Hey Dr. Bill. When I come to dive with you in Catalina (whenever that may be) I want you to lead and I'll follow. I have no idea how to dive there. :D

thanks for the insight Lorraine. Funny thing is, her husband is a diver too so it's not like she was looking for a buddy. My opinion of that single guy really went down. I have little respect for the character of a man who would go after another man's wife. But I guess he was horny so there's always that excuse. :rofl3:
I'm 23 and aim for the same, I hate to abbreviate in particular (and probably waste a fortune in my text messages because of it!). Any that slip through, it is by mistake. Don't think it is just an 'old person' thing cruiser. :)

Thanks, saspotato. That made my day :)
Hey, fairybasslet... leading a dive for someone in a new location is a lot different than trying to get a dive buddy to outline what their preferred parameters are for a dive (max depth, time, etc.) or what they want to see. I can lead someone... just remember, I'm used to solo and rarely look back to see if I'm being followed.
..just remember, I'm used to solo and rarely look back to see if I'm being followed.

Bill makes the perfect SOB. (Same Ocean Buddy!):rofl3:

Fairybasslet, let me know when you are going to visit, I'll buddy up with you and Dr. Bill, then we can watch him swim off together:D.

(Bill is not as bad as he would want you to think...)
I'm used to solo and rarely look back to see if I'm being followed.
This might explain why you're still single, Bill.:D

OK, I'm in a new place and you ask me what the max depth I want to dive and I say 100 fsw, and you tell me "Well, it only goes to 60 fsw here." See how stupid that would be? Let's just jump in and see what we find!

Teamcasa sounds like more fun.:wink:
I can lead someone... just remember, I'm used to solo and rarely look back to see if I'm being followed.

Then you are not leading, you are just in front of another. :337:
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not going to say all women who holiday without their partners are seeking an affair but i got married so i have someone to share my life with - including holidays. so i cant imaging going on a holiday without him. and if it was a dive trip, he would be coming with me whether i wanted him there or not

Last dive trip I went on was without my (non-diving) spouse. I needed a break (work was driving me insane) - the opportunity arose for a dive trip to Cozumel at a time my spouse wasn't able to go - so I took the opportunity. My preference is to travel together - but each of us is also capable of traveling alone and does so occasionally.

Far healthier attitude (IMHO) than another couple I know in which the wife who mopes around and takes out her lack of a life on everyone around her because she can't/won't do anything without hubby who never has time to do anything. My advice - independence once in a while is not a bad thing.

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