I am so excited to go to Lobos with Kathy, Robert and Don, definitely worh taking a day off work!
I came down to Monterey at 3 pm on Saturday, did 1 dive with Iztok to show him the kelp and tool around some rocks 30 degrees off BW. Had a lovely dinner with Kathy, Doc and Robert at Sapporo's. Drove home. Came back Sunday for a boat dive with Iztok on the Express. First dive was to Eric's Pinnacle, saw probably 20-30 dead molas, was very sad. I tried to right one and send him on his way because he was still breathing and trying to move what was left of his fins but he wasn't able to take off and just settled back down to the sand.
The second dive was to Hopkins Deep (or the metridium fields, they said it had 2 names but that's not the met field I am familiar with). There I saw my first live molas, one was jumping out of the water and moving really fast (maybe trying to get away from a sea lion) and the other one when I was underwater, I saw him swimming away pretty fast, only got to see it for a second or two before it was gone into the murk. I also saw a sea butterfly on my descent, it was only about 1.5" long and very reminiscent of the movie The Abyss.
All in all, a great weekend of diving and meeting new friends!