What's the latest on Fonatur parking?

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Actually the traffic isn't bad if you use Ave 65 and the new bypass. The bypass lets you out at Discover Mexico just prior to the marina entrance. It also bypasses the recent po-po check point.
No - the po po check point is now right at the marina!!! I got stopped the other day, no issue really, just checking license and plates - easy going folks. They do seem to be looking at masks or maybe it's my imagination - they seem to be looking in cars as they drive by and he seemed to gesture to me about a mask this morning but maybe he was scratching his face.......

I have not seen this as a harassment checkpoint, they don't stop many people, it's more of very spotty checking and mostly motos - if they find a few stolen ones that would be great!!
Not sure I like that phrase "checking license and plates"
Not sure I like that phrase "checking license and plates"
It's nothing at all really - they asked me for my circulation de tarjeta which is what you get when you pay for your license plates and drivers license.

Everyone that I have seen stopped was an ultra obvious resident - that doesn't mean that they wouldn't stop six tourists hanging out the top of a jeep with beer bottles in hand :rofl3:
I understand Fonatur is thinking about charging the public for access to the marina. Anyone currently on the island know anything about this?
Fonatur is thinking about charging the public for access to the marina.
Not surprising.
I understand Fonatur is thinking about charging the public for access to the marina. Anyone currently on the island know anything about this?
Just for parking or for any entry?
I heard they are saying they are pushing the start back:

Buenas tardes, por este medio hago, de su conocimiento, que debido a los altos costos de operación y mantenimiento que conlleva la administración de la Marina Cozumel, está APIQROO se encuentra en la necesidad de implementar el cobro de una cuota de acceso a la misma, para cualquier usuario ajeno a las embarcaciones que se encuentran dentro del Padrón de Embarcaciones con el que cuenta esta APIQROO, la cuota de acceso es de $13.75 pesos por persona, vigente a partir del 1 de febrero del año en curso.

No omito manifestarles, que esta APIQROO no ha realizado algún ajuste a sus tarifas y/o cuotas hasta el día de hoy, por lo que ha absorbido todos los incrementos en los servicios comunes en las marinas, así como el incremento inflacionario que nos afecta a todos.

Para mayor información lo invito a acercarse a las oficinas administrativas de la APIQROO y así mismo, le solicitamos realice el trámite para la obtención de su gafete así como del personal a su cargo, el cual tiene un costo de $80.00 pesos por persona con vigencia de 1 año a partir de su fecha de expedición.

Sin más por el momento, aprovecho para enviarle un cordial saludo.

Good afternoon, I hereby inform you that due to the high operation and maintenance costs involved in the administration of Marina Cozumel, APIQROO is in need of implementing the collection of an access fee to it. , for any user other than the vessels that are within the Register of Vessels that this APIQROO has, the access fee is $13.75 pesos per person, effective as of February 1 of the current year.

I do not omit to tell you that this APIQROO has not made any adjustments to its rates and/or fees to date, for which it has absorbed all the increases in common services in the marinas, as well as the inflationary increase that affects us everybody.

For more information, I invite you to approach the administrative offices of the APIQROO and likewise, we ask you to complete the procedure to obtain your badge as well as the personnel in your charge, which has a cost of $80.00 pesos per person with validity of 1 year from its date of issue.

Without further ado, I take this opportunity to send you a cordial greeting.
any user other than the vessels that are within the Register of Vessels that this APIQROO has, the access fee is $13.75 pesos per person

Am I reading this correctly? My boat is docked at Fonatour so no fee for me or my guests?

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