What you hate about other divers.

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divemistress once bubbled...
but what i hate most -- on the boat-- are the guys who insist on trying to rig my gear for me. simple courtesy? i don't think so. after all, they could help some struggling newbie guy.

i have nearly 300 dives behind me. i CAN put a BCD and a regulator on a tank. but i'm not arrogant: if i've made a careless or stupid mistake, i do appreciate hearing about it above water.

I'm usually trying to get my own rig together at the same time my dive buddies (male and/or female) are gearing up. If you need help with something, I'd be very happy to help, if I can. Otherwise, once you're issued a C-card, you're more or less expected to be able to assemble your own gear.

Ken :)
Hi UP there: :)

Thanks for the lesson. See, I'm still learning.

I've been hitting the RDP this week pretty hard trying to make using it second nature. Though I want a dive computer, I really can't afford one and really need to know the tables before I consider relying on the computer.

I will stay on the light path, not following the dark path and becoming Darth James. :)

Uncle Pug once bubbled...
BTW: computers rot your brain... don't even start down the path of neural necrosis, cerebral putrefaction and ultimately intracranial ossification. :D
... is probably what annoys me the most.

Also, seeing someone (usually the same diver who slammed you with their fins) destroy a beautiful piece of coral because of poor buoyancy skills makes me cry ;-0 (yes, in my mask, underwater)....
Hi Folks. New to the board. Dig it.

Just got back from a 3 dayer - was paired up with a Euro and everything on his gauges was in BARS... nice. This guy would flash me a gauge that may as well have been in greek.


So when I got home, I build a BAR to REAL conversion chart for the next trip - laminated it to the back of my slate.

On the to the REAL HATE: Air Consumption Geeks. You know they type...the "oh, I have 900 left (or 2 BAR...or whatever...) the boat is right overhead, I think I'll just hang out down here until I have _____PSI (insert some unsafe double digit figure here)

These are the clowns that figure the boat fill is free, I may as well drain the Cyl. My Euro friend was a student of Drainus-Maximus. After about the 2nd time, I caught on and we had "the talk".

I mean, Damn. If we calculated the turn, caught a little positive current, Nav'ed back right on the chain with 800 or 1100 in the bottle, do the stop, bag the additional 5 or 10 minutes and come up. We're only going to do another 4 dives today! Doing circles under the boat, or wandering off to the reef for another few minutes after 45 minutes of dive bliss is just lame.

AAAUUGGGHHH..... Gas Drainers....my biggest Peeve (at the moment.)
Another one occurs frequently in dive shops.

Arrogant LDS worker: "How much weight do you use?"
Me: "26 lbs with a drysuit"

ALDSW: "Oh, that's WAY too much. You need to drop weight. You're far too overweighted."
Me (insincerely and with an annoyed smile): "Thanks"

1) I didn't ask your opinion. I use the amount of weight I need...while it is possible that I am a couple lbs over weighted, this is what I require to be comfortable underwater

2) All you know is that I'm using a drysuit. You don't know what type of drysuit, where I'm diving, what kind of tanks I'm using, or WHAT I'M WEARING UNDERNEATH! It is amazing what a thick sweatshirt will do to drysuit bouyancy. If I throw on a pair of sweats underneath my drysuit undies, I need 2 more lbs.

I need the amount of weight that I need. Just because you say I don't need it doesn't make it so. Give me few years of diving and maybe I'll be able to drop some weight, but with only 6 months and 30 dives experience, I need to do what I need to do.

I think this comes down to my biggest pet peeve...Did I ask you for your opinion? No! Shut the hell up, then. If something I'm doing is dangerous, politely let me know, but I think I have it pretty well together for the type of low-stress diving that I do.
Mo2vation wrote...
On the to the REAL HATE: Air Consumption Geeks. You know they type...the "oh, I have 900 left (or 2 BAR...or whatever...) the boat is right overhead, I think I'll just hang out down here until I have _____PSI (insert some unsafe double digit figure here)

I mean, Damn. If we calculated the turn, caught a little positive current, Nav'ed back right on the chain with 800 or 1100 in the bottle, do the stop, bag the additional 5 or 10 minutes and come up. We're only going to do another 4 dives today! Doing circles under the boat, or wandering off to the reef for another few minutes after 45 minutes of dive bliss is just lame.
It should be interesting if we wind up on the same charter sometime.... :rolleyes:

If I'm under the boat, or close enough, I'll burn the tank down to 400-500 psi. While it serves as an extended stop, I use the time to check out the midwater creatures, look for snails in the kelp, or simply run a few drills.

BTW, the boat fill is free....doesn't cost me an extra penny, anyway. And, yeah, I do that even if I'm on my fifth dive of the day.

metridium once bubbled...
If I'm under the boat, or close enough, I'll burn the tank down to 400-500 psi. While it serves as an extended stop, I use the time to check out the midwater creatures, look for snails in the kelp, or simply run a few drills. :D

I do this. Of course, I do it only if there are other divers from the boat that are still out there diving and everyone's not on the boat, waiting impatiently for me to surface before we can go.

Now, I would certainly understand the irritation if there was one person cruising around out there, not caring that the rest of the passengers had been waiting for the last 20 minutes for him to come up.
That's probably the most annoying to me...getting kicked in the face, back of the head, or anywhere else.
Sad when they stand on the coral, sad when they fin the bottom and the viz goes to **** when I want to take a photo, laugh at their bouyancy, laugh the way they run out of air in the first twenty minutes, scared when they shoot for the surface and I've seen it done at full speed, and most happy to be under the boat burning up a freebee whilst my buddy is out of air and a few minutes of solo will do me good!

Dive Safe,
One guy I've dived with is constantly un-prepared because he's too cheap to buy or rent the proper gear, or get his equipment serviced.

Example 1: Last month we show up to the local spring-fed lake for a day of diving. Water temp's about 75F at the surface with a thermocline to the low 60's around 30ffw (bottom is at 60ffw). Aforementioned buddy arrives with his 3mm shorty and beanie, saying "Oh I won't be cold." Of course, we hit the thermocline, he lasts about 5 minutes (more than I would last in that suit). He gives the "I'm cold" and "ascend" signs, so we are stuck above the thermocline, me and the other member of the threesome in 5mm suits and hoods.

Example 2: Last week four of us go to the same lake for another day of diving, the guy's octo starts intermittently free-flowing as soon as he sets up his reg. Another buddy who's a divemaster takes a look at it, can't get it to stop. I ask, "When's the last time you had your reg serviced?" He says, "Not since I bought it 2 years ago." :upset: So he proceeds to take the octo off his first stage and plug the port, and say "Okay, who's my buddy?" The other three of us all declined and he got all upset, saying "Come on, you never use the octopus anyway." At that point I decided I didn't want him around until he got his stuff squared away.

Anyone else have similar issues?

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