What you hate about other divers.

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Rich once bubbled...
and a personal pet peeve....be aware of where the other divers are around you...not just your buddie...i bugs me when i get rammed....or someone isnt paying enough attention to know they just went under me and shot me a face full of bubbles, or screamed by and slapped me in the face with their fins....

I'm right with you there, Rich. Why can't people watch where they're going!! It isn't that hard to be aware of what's going on round about you even if you are transfixed by the fish. It;s like driving a car - you should always be aware of who is there behind, ahead, at your side. And as far as diving goes, above and beliow.
My pet peeve.

Excessively negative people.

You're diving! Enjoy it. Life is good :)
The vis is bad enough around here already without divers kicking up silt by kicking, digging in, and directing the thrust from their fins toward the silty bottom. If you MUST do that, do it behind me.
MSilvia once bubbled...
The vis is bad enough around here already without divers kicking up silt by kicking, digging in, and directing the thrust from their fins toward the silty bottom. If you MUST do that, do it behind me.

The last thing folks seem to learn is how far the effects of their fin thrust is from them.
I hate divers who let their things dangle while underwater :upset: I had somebody else's gauge slammed me in the head more than once and somebody's octopus snagged my reg off my mouth. (although this could have been prevented if they'd understood the concept of "personal space")

Buy a clip, and save the corals (as well as other divers)
but what i hate most -- on the boat-- are the guys who insist on trying to rig my gear for me. simple courtesy? i don't think so. after all, they could help some struggling newbie guy.

i have nearly 300 dives behind me. i CAN put a BCD and a regulator on a tank. but i'm not arrogant: if i've made a careless or stupid mistake, i do appreciate hearing about it above water.

this insistence to control makes me feel these guys think that, i, as a woman, CAN'T handle such a difficult task. that i need a man to take care of it for me. ((which makes me think very, very bad words. :) ))

hell, why don't these guys do my breathing for me? or my diving? i could stay topside and work on my tan....

bottom line: before i stride into the water, i want to know my gear is assembled correctly. the best way to do that is to do it myself. and have my buddy check it. and leave the strangers out....

ahhhhh. thanks for letting me vent.


p.s. does this message hit home with any guys here? if so, tell: why do you do this? as an attempted pick-up, it sucks....

As your ps suggests, they are probably trying to use that as some type of pick up line.

I personally do not do this as my girlfriend would kill me. :D
WHen you and your buddy(ies) are doing your safety stop onthe line and another group comes boarhogging up the line and boot you off like you were never there to begin with......

I guess to answer you question directly, 1) be on time 2) have all your gear 3) If you don't know ask, don't fake it......
Idiots who think the boarding ladder is the perfect place to discuss the dive they've just completed, the weather, whatever....


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