What would you do: Molested at 100' by an OOA Diver

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Can you elaborate on this? Did you end up on your octo while two DSD buddy breathed your primary donated reg? All while the leader of the DSD divers watched and did nothing? Or we're these two OOA at different times? In which case I assume the DSD leader took the first client that went OOA off you and surfaced, leaving another client unsupervised, who subsequently ran out of air as well and was rescued by you.

Or do you normally dive with three second stages?

Assuming you are actually asking,

At that time, I was still playing with my reg setup, so I had a left mounted octo, a standard routed (over the shoulder) primary, and an Air2.

The first person ran out of air, signalled, and went on my octo. When that happened, the second girl's breathing rate went through the roof, and she too ran OOA, blowing through the rest of her air in no time.* She got my primary, I took the Air2 and we all headed back to shore. The erstwhile instructor actually failed to react to most of this. I was pretty busy so I was not actually paying much attention to what he was doing.

*One of the first times I got to see how meaningless SAC rates are.
I've been gone (pretty much) for a week and, WOW, what a thread. When Wayne, Bob, Lynne and Dan are ALL on the same page, something has gone very wrong in the universe!

I just want to thank everyone for my entertainment over the past 1/2 hour of reading.

Oh, and BTW, just where was I? Well, as it so happens, my lost week started with a trip to Portland, Oregon (about 180 miles from home) to give a lecture to a dive club on, wait for it, GAS MANAGEMENT! How is that for irony?
So how did you plan the gas for the car on the trip?

Rule of thirds?
He had no freaking idea... he just kept watching the gage the entire time. He had no watch, no odometer, no speedometer, no GPS.. all he did was watch the gage.

And he had no idea where Portland was. He just kept driving around until he saw a sing that said "Welcome to Portland."
And he had no idea where Portland was. He just kept driving around until he saw a sing that said "Welcome to Portland."

He did not even know he was going to Portland until after he got into his car and was driving for a while, you mean.
They're laughing at you, not with you.

It would be so fun to keep this up but I feel I need to respect the TOS regarding basic SCUBA.

It's all been said - good luck.
If you think it's cool to do math under the influence of Nitrogen Narcosis, then you do. Ask a chamber driver what the depth at which a doctor inside the chamber is no longer allowed to make medical decisions.

So what is the depth? I am curious now.
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If you think it's cool to do math under the influence of Nitrogen Narcosis, then you do. Ask a chamber driver what the depth at which a doctor inside the chamber is no longer allowed to make medical decisions.

Do they consider Oxygen narcotic? :)

I've never gotten around to a chamber tour. Do the physicians actually go for the ride?

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