Now, I was wrong for losing my cool and I admit that. It's bad form for a diver to rip up an instructor in front of 2 divemasters, another instructor and 12 students of various levels. However, it's also bad form to cuss out a student.
No, you're not wrong. If the "conversation" did go the way you describe it, I tip my hat to your calmness and patience. If I had been insulted like you describe, I would have used much stronger language on that instructor than you apparently did. I also would have made sure that the audience would have been as large as possible.
This instructor sounds like he is *****ing idiot, has an anger issue to say the least and in no way should you feel bad for anything. With your 25 dives, he should have regarded you still as a new diver and should have made sure the group didn't get separated.
In my book, REGARDLESS of what a student does, if an instructor uses language like that and refuses to debrief a dive, he is an a-hole. Plain and simple. Stay away from that guy, tell everybody you know to stay away from him, too. Make sure you find someone who is competent and professional and does not stand in the way of your enjoyment of diving.