What Most Irritates Female Divers

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Whacking herb doesn't help.
I need to get back on SB more often. Some of my favorite dive buddies have shown up in the latest incarnation of this thread alone.
Personally I help all divers on with their equipment (should they need it). I helpp all divers in and out of the water (should they need it). I still hold the door open for others, be they ladies or the elderly. Simply applying good manners in all cases cannot be bad.

As for pulling the bikini strings.....takes a rude person to do that.
Just a note. I still hold doors for ladies, help them lift things, offer my seat if there are no more and a lady is standing.

Please understand, NONE of these things are done by me or most any other male as an inference that Women are weak, unable, or incapable. It is simply a sign of RESPECT for women. If that makes me politically incorrect so be it.

By the way, I do the same for any man more than ten years my senior for the exact same reason. Respect.

Just something to keep in mind the next time someone offers to help.
I DO ALL OF THE SAME as the above!!!, and i agree i do all out of respect, so far i have not been retorted against or upsetting to anyone, but being a kind person and a gentelman is how i was brought up to be!! and i will ask or offer to help always!! just my thoughts.
i'm not a female diver, but what most irritates me is when poeople don't give me
free beer .... just thought i'd share
I've been diving with a group of friends and the place that I went offered great service, the DM and the boat crew would help the ladies geared up first and they paid more attention to the ladies, such as in difficult diving situation when strong current presented etc.
And the male divers on the boat usually always helpful especially to ladies.

I thought it's nice for them to do so, it's definately not always an expression that women are weaker, but as somebody said, respect. But I wonder what is the fuss as I admit wholeheartily that most women are weaker than men and even if I do not need all the help their offered, I felt grateful.
I do met few guys that showed off to female and pretended that they dive better.
I said pretend because they were horrible divers. The pattern is too easy to guess, the bigger a mouth a diver have, the more things they can't do or they don't know. Or divers who need help but don't want to ask because of pride and ended up hurting themselves or put other at risk. But I guess it doesn't depend on gender and those are special specimen.

Peeing in wetsuit! Evey diver should do so! It's the most natural thing in this sport he...
During surface interval, anybody who want to have toilet break, would jump into the water or easier, standing on the ladder. Eventhough there is toilet on the boat, why miss the fun? :D
I still find it difficult to pee underwater though, still trying to improve :)
I don't mind a little help with my gear now and then, though I must admit at first I did. On the liveaboard I just did the crew was helping both men and women get their gear on.

I can tolerate a few jokes and language doesn't bother me, I can swear with the best of 'em. :wink: Guys just try not to be too boorish. As of yet I've really found not much to complain about concerning the way I'm treated.

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