Lost Yooper...
"With diving comes some risk, and you have to accept that. If you're looking for guarenteed safe, you're in the wrong sport."
That is not where I was coming from. Really, I understand the risk and accept it.
Its just that I am being taught to NOT share my primary. Only to give my backup to my buddy. The buddy I end up with... may not be well trained, or handle his panic in an OOA situation.
I am also being taught that if I have an OOA situation, and my buddy is too far away (better not be), or has no backup (or his backup is not working).... I am to "RRR" (regain control, respond, react). And the only reaction I am being taught is to drop weight and surface exhaling.
Only expecting my buddy to give up his backup to me.
I am being taught that statistically sharing a single regulator ends more times than not... in disaster (for both divers).
Granted I am sure that there have been numerous times that sharing a single reg with a TRAINED buddy, has turned out with great success. But if BOTH are not well trained in sharing... you could likely have a real problem (based on statistics).
If I am diving with a very well trained buddy..... then I would be comfortable sharing. But what about the luck of the draw on the dive boat situation?
I was only saying that this practice of giving up a primary to your buddy, was different than what I was being taught.... and that I would have to get comfortable with the idea (change).
Logically it just struck me as wrong... to have the person carrying the air give up his KNOWN TO BE WORKING primary. And again in the unlikely event the backup second should fail... the guy with the air on his back would have a very difficult time surfacing if he could not get his primary back to share the air (ended up with an untrained dive buddy that is panicked and unwilling to share the primary I just gave him).
I have lots to learn. And really appreciate all the input.
Now.... about those hose lengths..
I think I will start with shorter than a 7' for my primary, until I make the step to DIR diving, only because it seems like it would/could be cumbersome to stow that much length. At least for now.
How does the following sound for a newbie:
Primary second stage: 26"
Backup second stage: 28"
Low pressure to BC: 24"
To gauges: 24"