What ever happened to RESPECT

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By the way... Look at how civil everyone is being. Imagine if this tone were continued in other threads.
It has been a pleasant surprise that this discussion has remained as civilized and dare I say it 'respectful' of other peoples opinions and beliefs.

I personally was brought up to be respectful of others as a matter course, otherwise the rod would have been brought forth.:eyebrow:

It has also been a surprise that I may not be alone in my belief in evolution and creation at the same time. I do believe in God (or whatever someone wants to call the higher power that started this show) I just have a problem believing that man (or anything else for that matter) was created fully formed and wearing the latest style hat.
I just have a problem believing that man (or anything else for that matter) was created fully formed and wearing the latest style hat.

Man was created wearing nothing. LOL every one knows that.
It has been a pleasant surprise that this discussion has remained as civilized and dare I say it 'respectful' of other peoples opinions and beliefs.

I personally was brought up to be respectful of others as a matter course, otherwise the rod would have been brought forth.:eyebrow:

It has also been a surprise that I may not be alone in my belief in evolution and creation at the same time. I do believe in God (or whatever someone wants to call the higher power that started this show) I just have a problem believing that man (or anything else for that matter) was created fully formed and wearing the latest style hat.

"Giants walked the earth in those days!"
I always find it funny in a sad kinda way when people can separate themselves into "camps" over such insignificant issues such as evolution. I mean that sincerely, in the "big picture" the "6 literal current 24 hour day camp" has far more in common with the "evolution as God's method" camp than they have differences. And yet people get into absolute screaming matches over their interpretation. Where is the love of Christ in this type of dialogue? I sincerely believe that there is far, far too much devisiveness in Christianity over minutia. Once we step back and really look at the message, we'll realize that petty arguments do far too much to discredit and devalue our beliefs. If one can return again to the message, we will begin to realize how arguments of this type are a disservice to us all.
It looks like I am out of this thread. It went from RESPECT to religion. Yes I am sure that the two cross paths someplace but...
Well, I am going out on a limb here and TheDivingPreacher can correct me if he chooses ...

Several of the Apostles (with a notable exception in Saul of Tarsus and Mathias (?) who was 'drawn by lots to replace Judas Iscariot') actually knew God as Jesus Christ. Of course, at the time they were Disciples. Saul become Paul through an experience on the road to Damascus. Even then Christ revealed Himself; Saul/Paul did not 'develop a concept'.

It was because of this personal experience with Him they were able to boldly and confidently go forth into the world preaching the GOOD NEWS.

Well, you're on a pretty strong limb there :wink:
Saul, who became Paul called himself an apostle "born out of due time" meaning the Lord chose him later, but Mathias had been around since the beginning and had been baptised by John the Baptist.

Other than that i agree fully, we are not talking about a developed concept but rather a revealed God/Man
It looks like I am out of this thread. It went from RESPECT to religion. Yes I am sure that the two cross paths someplace but...

You are correct, think about it. Every developed nation which requires it's citizens to respect one another was established on religious morality. More correctly, the values of Biblical Christianity. Nations without this foundation are easily identified :wink:
to me is just such a line in the sand. No where in the Bible does it speak against "evolution" but breathe that in most any congregation and you might just have a Holy War on your hands!

Since the Bible clearly states that God made everything in 6 24 hour days, I would take that as pretty much ruling out evolution.

Personally, I believe in evolution and I am one of the most extreme fundamentalists you could ever hope to meet. I don't mind if you don't believe in evolution, because I don't think it amounts to a hill of beans in the outcome of your life. It might surprise you what I actually believe in, because I am almost certain you are making assumptions about me as you read.

I try not to "assume" anything about people, but do certainly compare what they say with Scripture.
The concept of evolution is 100% incompatible with the Bible. It teaches there was no death at all before Adam sinned. Death is only in the world because of Adam's sin. Rom 5:8. If there was death and bloodshed for millions of years before Adam and Eve, the entire gospel message is VOID! Only sons and daughters of Adam can be saved as a matter of fact.

As for a fundamentalist who believes evolution, that would be a liberal in fundamentalist's clothing.

Scubaguy62? Too many things in your post to reply to here. But you say that "there are cetain truths even Christians do not have an answer for". Respectfully, such as?
sorry, I forgot that population thing. Just an interesting factoid.

You could take every person in the world and they could all stand within the city limits of Jacksonville FLA.

You could take all the people in the world, divide them into fours and each group could have an acre of land in the state of Texas.

The majority of arable land in our world is presently unpopulated. If it is too crowded where you are............move!

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