What ever happened to RESPECT

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How would they know? Clocks hadn't been invented yet.

For that matter, since our traditional interpretation of a day is based upon the rotation of the earth toward the sun, how did that first day happen when the heavens and the earth hadn't been created yet?

Somehow, I missed the part about 24 hours ... I couldn't find it in my Bible anywhere ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Note that God created the light before He created the stars and such. Hence, no need for buzzillions of years for the light to reach planet earth. Of course, the typically reaction to that statement is "Oh, that's just not possible. I don't believe it".

Any further questions just re-read your Bible, carefully. :wink:


p.s. a fool says in his heart there is no God
Any further questions just re-read your Bible.

1. if there is a witch, should i stone her?

2. if a woman is unfaithful, should i stone her?

3. if a child talks back to a parent, should i stone him or her?

4. if my slave misbehaves, can i whip him?

p.s. a fool says in his heart there is no God

and it is this basic intolerance at the root of Western
religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) which turns me off
you belive what you will, let me believe what i will. when
you start telling me i'm wrong, you lost my attention.
my belief system does not require everyone who disagrees
with me to be wrong.

long live freedom of choice.

So is it that you don't want to know when you're wrong or you don't believe that you can be wrong?
[Note that God created the light before He created the stars and such. Hence, no need for buzzillions of years for the light to reach planet earth. Of course, the typically reaction to that statement is "Oh, that's just not possible. I don't believe it".

Any further questions just re-read your Bible, carefully. :wink:


p.s. a fool says in his heart there is no God

So...just for the sake of seeing where you are coming from...how old is the earth?

Do you believe that there are physical laws which govern our universe which are more or less immutable? (Gravity, speed of light, etc.)

Do you think that perhaps...science and Christianity are actually completely compatible? (For the record...I do)

You read in the beginning...God said let there be light.

I can translate that as looking a great deal like "the Big Bang"...where do we differ?

I seriously recommend the book I linked a few posts ago...it's written by a Christian physicist and aligns very much with my beliefs...I think you'd like it.
1. if there is a witch, should i stone her?

2. if a woman is unfaithful, should i stone her?

3. if a child talks pack to a parent, should i stone him or her?

4. if my slave misbehaves, can i whip him?


These are all soooooo typical. Find something in the Bible
that you can take out of context and then harp on that as a reason to discredit all of the Bible.

1. The Old Testament laws were intended to keep the Jewish race and religion pure and set-apart; a 'beacon' if you will of righteousness in the midst of heathen countries. That's why they were not not involve themselves with foreign countries or marry non-believers. Are we under the law? No. Am I opposed to the death penalty for certain crimes? No.

2. Both the man and the woman were to be taken out and stoned. Why is it that it MOSLEM countries it is typically the woman who punished? Boys will be boys but women ... well, they'd better behave.

3. Don't be a dope. Nowhere in the Bible does it state a child should be stoned for talking back to a parent.

4. Slavery as mentioned in the Bible was not always the same as we view it. "Slaves" were frequenly servants. As for whipping the slave why don't you travel to a country (typically Muslim) where slavery is alive and well;
It's been abolished in typically Christian nations.
So is it that you don't want to know when you're wrong or you don't believe that you can be wrong?

this is a false dichotomy, and the answer is neither.

if you can prove that i am wrong, i will listen. you can't do that regarding God.

no one can ultimately prove the other side right or wrong
when it comes to these issues. all we can do is agree to
Don't be a dope.

first i'm a fool, and now i am a dope.

whatever happened to RESPECT?

or do only those who believe as you do deserve it? :wink:
Just to chime in one more time on the 24 hour day thing...a really fun thing to consider is the physics of the speed of light and relativity. You all remember the "twins expiriment" when you put one twin on a rockeship travelling 99% of the speed of light and leave the other on earth...at the end of the expiriment you find that the one left behind has aged significantly relative to the one travelling at extreme velocity...you can do exactly the same thing with Genesis and the physics work really nicely. 24 hours...from who's perspective? God's (the twin on the spaceship) or ours...the twin left behind?

A great book by a physicist takes this hypothesis up in detail...check it out here Science of God

The book is fascinating reading. One more thing I would point out to many people interested in interpreting the Bible or any other religious reference.

Become familiar with the language and the times in which it was written. :wink:
not so. the US was founded as a secular nation, where
religion and state were separated precisely so no religion
could be imposed on anyone.

re-read your history.

now, the majority of the PEOPLE of the US are certainly Christian. But the GOVERNMENT (i.e. the fictional entity called the US) is a clearly secular, humanist institution, which holds the laws of men above the laws of God,

This is becomming more evident all the time.

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