ShakaZulu:Religion, MANs attempt to reach God.........Christianity, Gods attempt to reach MAN.
In there, lies all the confusion. Besides, without a thorough knowledge of history, most of the bible would make no sense.
Very well put! That is in fact the difference between Bible Christianity and all other (God based) religions. I put that in because someone will certainly bring up tree worship

Snowbear I think said:
TDP - As someone who chose for many, many years a "belief system" similar to what Andy describes, I feel the need to tell you that all the folks who told me I would burn in hell for not accepting Christ as my savior could never scare me to accept that. I believed that death was a relief from the hell here on earth and that once I die, my body is just a shell to return to the earth. It was someone who taught me and showed me that God is and is about Love that convinced me to choose to accept Him. My Faith is puny at best and some days seems non-existant, but at the core of it, I've learned that no matter what I think or do, as long as I remember that Christ Is, there is hope for my pathetic failure of a soul.
As to evolution, big bang and whatever other theories - I am a scientist (my degree is in Biological Sciences) by training. Life does evolve and in some cases devolve in the context of mutations and adaptations between and within species. From those who say that life was formed from a primordial pool of organic matter, where did that organic matter come from? For those who say the earth and universe(s) compressed into existance from loose atoms imploded or exploded into a bunch of space debris - where did those atoms come from? Maybe Something had to create them?
I do not look at it as trying to scare people into believing but rather warning them of what consequences they will face for their decisions. Is it trying to scare someone to tell them that if they steal or kill, they will go to jail for a few years?
We need to distinguish between evolution and variation. No intelligent person denies variation. It is observable and testable. Animals vary within kinds, and within limits can be interbred. Certainly there is adaptation and variation, (I am not trying to tell you anything in your area of expertise

But neither of those can be used to make the quantum leap to macro-evolution from one kind of creature to another. For example Darwin's research with finches. A long beak to a short beak is a change, a variation, an "evolution" oooh dae I say it. But it is still a finch! Now a Dinosaur to a bird, now that is the evolution that is completely unproven and is a giant leap of "faith"
Hope this clarifies my position. :11: