What ever happened to RESPECT

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Well, is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Now I am an ignorant liar. Let's talk about that respect issue once again. Check the textbooks friend, I am not going to mail them to you! It is still in there in your state!
How about Piltdown man, built from one tooth and later proven to be the tooth of an extinct pig. Still in your textbooks today as proof for evolution.

How about Java man, manufactured from a few fragments of skullbone three molars and a femur. The remainder was the result of a very fruitful imagination.
How about Heidelburg man, the majority of a jaw bone, and a few teeth. Proof that we evolved from lower forms.

How about the evolution of the horse, research it for yourself, this was proven to be incorrect (as shown in all the diagrams) 40 years ago but it is still in the textbooks.
You're doing just what you accused others of: claiming to be fluent in french just because you can say "bon jour". That said, I have very little interest in getting involved in this debate with you. Why? It would be futile because you have already stated that your mind is already made up. For me to continue discussing his with you would be futile because you claimed that unless I can cite scripture there is no way I could change your mind. Furthermore, you have suggested that unless I have as full of an understand of scripture as you do that I you won't believe what I have to say.

For me to engage in a meaningful debate with someone I need to believe there is so chance that I could sway their view on the topic. I'm not suggest I won't enter into a debate I can't win, I'm stating that I will not enter a debate with someone that I cannot win. In fact, some of the best discussions I've been involved with were ones where I came away having changed my opinion on the topic.

As far as this topic goes, I'm on the fence. But you have your feet firmly planted on your side. If you want me to climb over to your side you're going to need to climb on up here so you can get an unhindered view of what I see.
Check the textbooks friend, I am not going to mail them to you! It is still in there in your state!

yes, i would very much like to see these textbooks.

you don't have to send them to me, just post on here the
author, edition, publisher, and year of publishing, and i'll get them myself.
if you are neither ignorant nor lying,
and they do exist, I will apologize to you.

this is called PROOF. you have made a statement that can
be proven, for once. so please, provide the proof as
Sorry, you will have to do your own research. Go to
Order the video or dvd series and watch them. This man not only quotes the textbooks he shows you photo's of the pages in question, with publisher and edition included.

You can apologize after you are finished :)
dude, that's like a 17-hour series!! no way i'm going to pay for that.

but my point was that your arguments against evolution
don't impress me very much. they basically consist of
re-hashed stuff i heard in church back in the early 80's,
which were already out of touch with reality back then.

it is preachers like you, who make false statements to kids
like me, who got me thinking in the first place. if they
are lying about this, i asked myself, what else are they
lying about?

i started digging, and found my answers. in a way,
i am grateful for religious leaders like you.

btw, I went to school in New York and Florida, and none
of my textbooks had the crap you're talking about.
That said, I have very little interest in getting involved in this debate with you. Why? It would be futile because you have already stated that your mind is already made up[/URL]. For me to continue discussing his with you would be futile because you claimed that unless I can cite scripture there is no way I could change your mind. Furthermore, you have suggested that unless I have as full of an understand of scripture as you do that I you won't believe what I have to say.

In the context of that post h2 and I were arguing the import of the use of certain phrases in certain languages and the topic was doctrinal. Obviously you couldn't convince me of the truth of evolution from the Bible as it isn't there.

For me to engage in a meaningful debate with someone I need to believe there is so chance that I could sway their view on the topic. I'm not suggest I won't enter into a debate I can't win, I'm stating that I will not enter a debate with someone that I cannot win. In fact, some of the best discussions I've been involved with were ones where I came away having changed my opinion on the topic.

As far as this topic goes, I'm on the fence. But you have your feet firmly planted on your side. If you want me to climb over to your side you're going to need to climb on up here so you can get an unhindered view of what I see.

Well, I freely admit that on this issue my mind is made up. If it wasn't why would I pack up my wife and 4 chiildren and take them halfway around the world to live in a new culture, learn a new language, leave family and friends behind?
Certainly not for the weather :11:

I also would say that all of the major posters in this thread are just as convinced of their position as I am and just as unlikely to change their point of view. If this does not fit you, I apologize :eyebrow:
dude, that's like a 17-hour series!! no way i'm going to pay for that.

C'mon, you're the big lawyer with the big bucks. It only costs $100 for the whole series. By the way, now I know you are lying, I have seen the textboks from Florida which is where this man's ministry is!

One more thing, what do you think about all those people who received a PHD by doing their doctoral work on the Piltdown man? Since it was a hoax, shouldn't they give the degrees back :11:
After all, they earned them researching a topic which had at its core a hoax.

but my point was that your arguments against evolution
don't impress me very much. they basically consist of
re-hashed stuff i heard in church back in the early 80's,
which were already out of touch with reality back then.

it is preachers like you, who make false statements to kids
like me, who got me thinking in the first place. if they
are lying about this, i asked myself, what else are they
lying about?

i started digging, and found my answers. in a way,
i am grateful for religious leaders like you.

I wish I could say I was grateful for lawyers ;)

btw, I went to school in New York and Florida, and none
of my textbooks had the crap you're talking about.

Truth makes you testy doesn't it?
Finally caught up on this post...all 285 of them and must agree with Dr. Bill back around post 230'ish, look how far we have strayed from the original intent of the poster.

As for all the discussion, opinions, beliefs, facts, factoids and malarky contained in the posts I would now like to add my $.02 to the mix. As a scientist by education and trade, a working physicist (abiet as an engineer) and a christian by faith, I see no conflict between the two. My faith is broad enough to allow all that science professes as facts, theories and conjecture to be contained with in my christian beliefs. For truely, if God is omnipotent (as stated in the Bible), then all is possible through him. God made man from the earth (loose translation), this could have been accomplished in any number of fashions from the classic approach of sculpting clay and bestowing life to the final product...man, or by allowing a primordial mass of goo to evolve over the millenia resulting in the same thing...man. Either way, if indeed God is all powerful the the question is answered...God created man.

With respect to the intent of the original poster, I would like to quote the great group "War" who most prophetically stated in song..."Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends!" :dazzler1: Respect, common courtesy, and consideration for one's fellow man has certainly taken a back seat to the current "me first and to heck with everyone else" approach which typifies todays society. Most if not all religions, fraternal organizations and general humanist beliefs focus on the idea that everyone should treat each other as they would themselves like to be treated...i.e. respect for one another. If we could find a way to put our differences aside and simply treat each other like we want to be treated, I believe we would find the "respect" that Imadiver2 was looking for. ;)
Truth makes you testy doesn't it?

hehehe... nope

the truth has made me free :wink:
we can explain ... well enough without such a
Supreme Being.

Then explain it Andy. It seems you'd be much more comfortable without a supreme being, eh? No absolutes, No accountability, etc.

Macro-evilution claims that life originated from lifelessness and that "kinds" eventually become completeley different kinds as a result of random chance and time. Therefore, the fossil record should be littered with lifeforms that are interim; it is not. A "feathered" dinosaur is simply a feathered dinosaur; it is not a "dino-bird".

Absent the existance of a fossil record replete with interim life forms, "brilliant" scientists such as SJG have declared that evilution happens not slowly as previous claimed, but in fits and starts. Its equilibrium is puctuated, so to speak. There is no need for a dino-bird. Instead, a dinosaur laid an egg and a bird hatched !!!

Macro-Evilution as a viable theory fails when exposed to classic scientific analysis: it has not been observed, it is not being observed, it is not testable.

Micro-evolution, "adaptation" if you will is not the same thing nor can it be extrapolated that because a kind adapts into various species that it simply must be that kinds morph over time into other kinds.

Additionally I've noted that several times when your "evidence" was refuted you've simply changed the subject. That is a classic liberal, humanist tactic when the facts do not support your claim and you cannot yell loudly enough to silence the other side of the debate.

And yes, it is about winning. There's a war between right and wrong, good and evil, truth and lies. Wrong, evil and lies might win an occasional skirmish but the war will be won by right, good and truth. On which side do you choose to stand?

Love is wonderful but love that tolerates everything that is not good or truthful is not love; it is capitulation and 'going along to get along'.

Gotta go for now.


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