What ever happened to RESPECT

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Man has ALWAYS been a "farmer". Adam and Eve tended a garden and Cain was a farmer. So, thus endeth one of your arguments.

i could ask:

how do you explain the thounsands and thousands of
artifacts from the Paleolithic and Neolothic periods which
show that men was first a hunter, then a hunter and
gatherer, and only then, in the last 10,000 years or
so, turned to farming?

but then you'll say that is bunk science.

ok, so the only thing i can do is agree to disagree. you
choose what to belive, and i choose what i believe.


Historically, we all spoke the same language and had similar rules, etc. until the Tower of Babbel incident. Linguists ever search for 'the mother tongue' they say underlies all languages but many would poo-poo the reality of the Biblical account.

incorrect again. there are quite a few independent language families of origin:
Indo-European (to which English belongs), Uralic, Altaic, Sino-Tibetan, and Malayo-Ponynesian,
to name but a few (there are over 100 independent language families in the world).

do you realize what this means? think
about this fact for a while, and it will sink in.
but i will help you along: the Mayan language family arose
independently in North America, and it has nothing to do
with the Sino-Tibetan family, which arose in China,
which in turn has nothing to do with the Afro-Asiatic
family (Hebrew and Arabic), which again has nothing to
do with the Indo-European (English) family.

to top it all off, there are languages classified as Independent, because they bear NO SIMILARITY to
any other language in any of the other families.

think about this.

you dimiss my attempts at giving you some fundamental
pieces of knowledge, but the reason i do that is that you keep
showing profound ignorance on these subjects.
First off... Jesus never got caught up in "politics".

I don't know that there was much differentiation between religion and politics at the time. The Jewish authorities seem to have been as political in nature as religious and the crucifiction of Christ looks very much like a political assasination.
Those who proclaim to emulate him should emulate that as well. He focused on love.

Yep, he loved those money changers right out the temple door with a whip.

He taught with authority and it angered and offended some.

I think that if there was ever a time for believers to be politically active, it would be now.


You shouldn't get too worked up. Jesus said that many would enter the wide door leading to the easy road and few would take the narrow door leading to the hard road. Nothing has changed.

I don't think it's because of the teaching of evolution. That's a fairly new thing. The rejection of God by man stretches back to the beginning. Man wants to be top dog. The beliefe that a random bunch of atoms fell together just the right way and got up and started walking around thinking and dreaming lets one keep their beliefe that they are top dog in the universe. Everything can then be a "me" thing....my rights...my wants...my this and my that. If you believe the other then you're forced to put God and what He wants first.
The beliefe that a random bunch of atoms fell together just the right way and got up and started walking around thinking and dreaming

this is a profound misstatement of the theory of evolution,
and it is but a caricature thereof.

again, it shows a lack of respect for something you clearly
have not taken the time to learn :wink:

btw, Mike, your box is till full and i am still tryinig to send
you a PM.... any chance you'll clean it soon???
i could ask:

how do you explain the thounsands and thousands of
artifacts from the Paleolithic and Neolothic periods which
show that men was first a hunter, then a hunter and
gatherer, and only then, in the last 10,000 years or
so, turned to farming?

but then you'll say that is bunk science.

Bunk, or junk? No one denies the existance of artifacts.
What is debatable is the story they tell. The world was full of wicked people living who knows where and doing who knows what and then the flood. Of course, you'll say that is a fairy tale.

incorrect again. there are quite a few independent language families of origin:
Indo-European (to which English belongs), Uralic, Altaic, Sino-Tibetan, and Malayo-Ponynesian,
to name but a few (there are over 100 independent language families in the world).

do you realize what this means? think
about this fact for a while, and it will sink in.
but i will help you along: the Mayan language family arose
independently in North America, and it has nothing to do
with the Sino-Tibetan family, which arose in China,
which in turn has nothing to do with the Afro-Asiatic
family (Hebrew and Arabic), which again has nothing to
do with the Indo-European (English) family.

to top it all off, there are languages classified as Independent, because they bear NO SIMILARITY to
any other language in any of the other families.

think about this.

you dimiss my attempts at giving you some fundamental
pieces of knowledge, but the reason i do that is that you keep
showing profound ignorance on these subjects.

Yup, I know what it means. It means exactly what the Bible says it means. God confused the languages so men could not communicate (otherwise there would have been nothing beyond our grasp) and from those who-knows-how-many there eventually came and went other languages; some of which are related and others might not.

What's your point?

You will not win counselor. I do not quit. I do not compromise. I am your worst nightmare ... a true believer. :dazzler1:

Now, If I could only fully embrace the DIR philosophy ... :eyebrow:
this is a profound misstatement of the theory of evolution,
and it is but a caricature thereof.

Yes it's a characture.
again, it shows a lack of respect for something you clearly
have not taken the time to learn :wink:

Well, I'm not an expert on the theory of evolution but I went to school, watch the discovery channel and read an occassional national goegraphic. LOL
btw, Mike, your box is till full and i am still tryinig to send
you a PM.... any chance you'll clean it soon???

Are you sure? I've been getting PM's from others and my message count is below the max allowed.
Seems this thread is beginning to stretch the limits of respect. It's a shame since it started out so well.

I for one can see no reason for God not coexisting with evolution. Evolution may not be consistent with the Bible, but that document was written by men for readers neither of which had knowledge of modern science and the true "geography" of the Earth and Universe.

Signing off

Dr. Bill
this is a profound misstatement of the theory of evolution,
and it is but a caricature thereof.
again, it shows a lack of respect for something you clearly
have not taken the time to learn :wink:

Please elaborate on the theory, typically presented as fact or dare I say it? TRUTH, of (macro)evolution.

Thanks much.
Seems this thread is beginning to stretch the limits of respect. It's a shame since it started out so well.

I for one can see no reason for God not coexisting with evolution. Evolution may not be consistent with the Bible, but that document was written by men for readers neither of which had knowledge of modern science and the true "geography" of the Earth and Universe.

Signing off

Dr. Bill

Dr. Bill,

No where in the Bible does it claim to be a definative science book. Nor does it claim the earth is flat and the center of the solar system.

Many gifted scientists use(d) science to more fully understand the world God had created; not to explain how it came to be
and 'prove' there is no God.

You shouldn't get too worked up. Jesus said that many would enter the wide door leading to the easy road and few would take the narrow door leading to the hard road. Nothing has changed.

Thanks, I just thought it was a fitting response to the question as to why I post with emotion. I can't separate myself from the fact that the vast majority will end up in a lake of fire for a long time.
Guess that's why I am a preacher and a missionary :wink:
Yep, he loved those money changers right out the temple door with a whip.
I believe the same should be done with many who profit off the church (or the synagogue) today. Too much is done with an eye to the profit margin, and not out of love. This is my biggest problem with the "Moral Majority".

The condemnation of evolution is a red herring... those who participate in it have followed Satan's lead to shift the focus from the real issue: Men's hearts.


as for "politics", Jesus stayed completely out of the debate. Those that were worried about politics did crucify him, but he himself was only concerned with our hearts and our souls. There is never a time for Christians to take up the mantle of politics over the mantle of love. Where politics starts to inhibit my ability to reach my neighbor due to my intransigence on any issue, then I must abandon it. This does not mean I will not vote, but it does mean that like Jesus, I avoid drawing a line in the sand that might keep anyone from him. It's the rabid discipleship that Paul demonstrated and one of the most effective in reaching the lost.

Jesus referred to a scripture from the Old Testamen twice... "I desire mercy and not sacrifice". When you come to the gut wrenching realization of what that means, you will also realize that persuing politics is a vanity and a chasing after the wind. It's Satan's way of shifting the focus from what is truly important.

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