What ever happened to RESPECT

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I can't separate myself from the fact that the vast majority will end up in a lake of fire for a long time.
Which is why I am a 24/7/365 disciple. :D
.... debate is good in all but this one is going nowhere IMO. This is core beliefs stuff that people just don't change their minds on easily. Debating things like this on the internet, not face to face, is an accident waiting to happen IMO.

I see frustration starting well up in some of you so lets try to stay respectful to each other and understand people have different beliefs and that really is okay ....okay?
You will not win counselor. I do not quit. I do not compromise. I am your worst nightmare ... a true believer. :dazzler1:

well, for me it's not about winning or loosing. sorry you
see it that way. for me, it's about exchanging ideas
and learning.

also, it's about knowing when you've crossed the line
between spousing your beliefs and berating others
for theirs.

you keep crossing that line, Green, and i have no respect for that.

on the other hand, as i keep telling you, you can believe
anything you want. it's no skin off my nose. luckily,
since we live in a secular country, you have no power to
really force your beliefs on me :wink:
You will not win counselor. I do not quit. I do not compromise. I am your worst nightmare ... a true believer. :dazzler1:

You do realize, of course, that you share this attitude with every jihadist on the planet ... and they are every bit as convinced in the Truth of their faith as you are.

True Believers are, indeed, the world's worst nightmare ... one only has to contemplate the history they've written with the blood of their fellow humans to understand that ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
God confused the languages so men could not communicate (otherwise there would have been nothing beyond our grasp)

well, if God was trying to keep us from communicating,
he's done an awful job. i can be anywhere from Tokyo to
Istambul in less than 48 hours. heck, i don't even have to
go there: i just fax something or pick up the phone.

the fact that there are hundreds of languages in
the world plays very little part in the modern economies
of the electronic age.

as for the Babel story, i have given you linguistic evidence
and you have given me the Bible story. you have chosen
to believe the Bible story, and that's ok by me. i chose to
belive the linguistic evidence.
well, for me it's not about winning or loosing. sorry you
see it that way. for me, it's about exchanging ideas
and learning.

also, it's about knowing when you've crossed the line
between spousing your beliefs and berating others
for theirs.

you keep crossing that line, Green, and i have no respect for that.

on the other hand, as i keep telling you, you can believe
anything you want. it's no skin off my nose. luckily,
since we live in a secular country, you have no power to
really force your beliefs on me :wink:


I am very willing and eager to exchange ideas and learn but there is truth and there is falsehood. My position is that there is absolute truth, yours is that there is relative truth.

Again, it's been fun.
on the other hand, as i keep telling you, you can believe
anything you want. it's no skin off my nose. luckily,
since we live in a secular country, you have no power to
really force your beliefs on me :wink:

Yes, but unfortunately, now that our country has gone secular, we don't have long left. That is the thing about history, it just keeps repeating itself. Now that we are a secular nation the downfall for the rest of us is that now we are force-fed the state religion of naturalistic evolution. The only way that could be taught is in Govt mandated schools. If parents actually had to pay directly for their kids education, they wouldn't put up with that nonsense. 20 billion years ago, all the matter in the universe was compressed into a very very hot, very very dense ball no larger than the period at the end of this sentence. They actually call this science and teach it in your schools. And they tell me I have faith!
You do realize, of course, that you share this attitude with every jihadist on the planet ... and they are every bit as convinced in the Truth of their faith as you are.
... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Now I am a jihadist? Or the moral equivalent thereof? Yikes.
Now I am a jihadist? Or the moral equivalent thereof? Yikes.

no, he said you shared a particular view with them.

he's right, by the way. a true believer, whether religious
or political, believes that he is absolutely right and the enemy
is absolutely wrong.

now, you may never ACT on that belief, but you certainly
share the theory.

(remember my point eariler between beilef and action?)
20 billion years ago, all the matter in the universe was compressed into a very very hot, very very dense ball no larger than the period at the end of this sentence. They actually call this science and teach it in your schools. And they tell me I have faith!

well, i respect your right to disagree with the brightest
scientific minds in the world.

but when it comes to believing you or them, i think i'll
chose them :wink:

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