What ever happened to RESPECT

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I do want to encourage all of you who are interested in the historical basis of the civil law of the U.S. to go to the website cited by DivingPreacher: www.wallbuilders.com. I have had the opportunity to hear David Barton speak, and he is lucid and intelligent, and he knows his American history. Those of you who are not Christians will also be interested in his findings, he will not drive Christianity down your throat. He has helped write the state standards in American History for California and Texas, and sits as consultant to several national textbook publishers. Read his affidavit in support of the 10 Commandments. While you still may not agree with him, you will have to agree that it will make you think.

MedicDiver, thank you for your support of teachers, and please understand that I was not angry in the least. I just kept seeing a common thread running through the comments, and felt that I had to speak my piece. Thanks to all of you who support us.

As for NetDoc, Andy, JHelmuth, Diving Preacher, Green Manelishi, MedicDiver,etc., all you guys who have gotten into this discussion, I am impressed that you have been able to discuss such passionate matters of the heart in a civil manner. Thank you- I agree that I have learned and am learning more about you as individuals, and I respect you all for your opinions.

I am a Christian, although not a regular church-going one at this time in my life. I will never give up on God, and I'm so grateful that he'll never give up on me. I've had a few experiences that have made me suspicious of religious control, and "religion" in general. But I like reading what you Bible scholars are adding to this conversation, as I am certainly not one! Thanks for your input.

MedicDiver, thank you for your support of teachers, and please understand that I was not angry in the least. I just kept seeing a common thread running through the comments, and felt that I had to speak my piece. Thanks to all of you who support us.

As for NetDoc, Andy, JHelmuth, Diving Preacher, Green Manelishi, MedicDiver,etc., all you guys who have gotten into this discussion, I am impressed that you have been able to discuss such passionate matters of the heart in a civil manner. Thank you- I agree that I have learned and am learning more about you as individuals, and I respect you all for your opinions.

I am a Christian, although not a regular church-going one at this time in my life. I will never give up on God, and I'm so grateful that he'll never give up on me. I've had a few experiences that have made me suspicious of religious control, and "religion" in general. But I like reading what you Bible scholars are adding to this conversation, as I am certainly not one! Thanks for your input.


Teachers will always have my respect and awe....I was afraid I had offended you. I'm glad to see that you realize my comments on education, my ill will is directed towards those who bind the hands and tighten the pursestrings of the most wrongly maligned profession in this country. I for one, as I have said before, owe what I am today to my teachers. Those of you who don't like me or my outspokeness, can blame my parents- that's one of the things they taught me.

I too have been impressed that the various strongwilled personalities who have chosen to enter into this discussion have maintained a civility that is lack in most "intelligent" conversation today. Thank you, every last one of you for your above the board conduct.

As for my views on religion, I don't mean to give the impression that I doubt the validity of anything that the more experienced persons in this discussion have said. It is just that I, like Foo, have had bad experiences that result in my questioning my own beliefs (you watch people die in front of you, often painful lingering deaths, on a regular basis and even though they are strangers it still makes you wonder if there really is someone up there watching out for us.)

The statement that made earlier about how I view a lot of organized religious groups as being corrupt or crooked is simply based on my own experience. TheDivingPreacher please don't take this the wrong way (I happen to like you and think that you reflect well on Baptist preachers as a whole) but many of the Baptist congregations around my home in Indiana conduct themselves in very un-Christian manners. Their members tend to be closed-minded, biased, racist and very, very rude when you call them on it (OF COURSE THIS COULD HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE POPULATION THEY ARE DRAWING THEIR MEMBERSHIP FROM). The differing local congregations seem locked in the perennial battle to build the biggest church in the area (jokingly know locally as "The First Church of the Holy Bonanza Cashflow") and they have sold their souls so to speak in the pursuit of the Almighty (dollar that is) That is why I have a less than stellar view of the Baptist Church (and sincerely I hope that it is just a local trend). Of course, the same holds true for the Pentecostals- but I'm not going to even start down that road in the interest of maintaining civility. Of course the Episcopalians are about to become two seperate churchs over the whole gay bishop ordeal (I don't see the big deal- you love who you love and it's not our place to judge; if he's living in sin, God will make him pay in the end (NO PUN INTENDED!).
I just hope that every person alive is prepared to one day stand before their maker and discover that they are/were totally wrong. It would be an unbearable situation to try to continue some of the arguments that I have read here at that time. FWIW - Net Doc, I like your brand of compassion - my heart tells me it's probably closer than most.
On state and religion:-
Watching CNN about the GOP convention yesterday I was very shocked to be told that many people in the USA now considers that the Law of God supercedes the American Constitution.
As has been pointed out already - misplaced religious fervour and by extention, intolerance, have fuelled some of the most disgraceful episodes in human history.
Don't get me wrong, I am solid in my personal belief that Jesus is Lord, and reigns supreme. But I do have serious doubts about some religious factions and individuals that I have had heart-ties with. Therefore, I do not push "church" on anyone. There are too many control freaks out there. But I will be glad to share my personal relationship with Jesus, with anyone who wants to know.

while religion is not against the TOS, politics certainly are.

let's please keep this thread from straying too far into the political arena
If things don't change drastically in November (no matter who wins), I'll seriously give thought to becoming a Canadian, eh.
Sorry....didn't mean to stray
that's ok, this is a learning experience for all of us
I like your signature Andy....
From reading here I think there are differing views of how we define respect.
Webster defines it this way:
RESPECT', v.t. [L. respecto, or respectus, from respicio; re and specio, to view.]
1. To regard; to have regard to in design or purpose.
In orchards and gardens, we do not so much respect beauty, as variety of ground for fruits, trees and herbs.
2. To have regard to, in relation or connection; to relate to. The treaty particularly respects our commerce.
3. To view or consider with some degree of reverence; to esteem as possessed of real worth.
I always loved and respected Sir William.
4. To look towards.
Palladius adviseth the front of his house should so respect the south. [Not in use.]
To respect the person, to suffer the opinion or judgment to be influenced or biased by a regard to the outward circumstances of a person, to the prejudice of right and equity.
Thou shalt not respect the person of the poor. Lev. 19.
Neither doth God respect any person. 2Sam. 14.

RESPECT', n. [L. respectus.]
1. Regard; attention.
2. That estimation or honor in which men hold the distinguished worth or substantial good qualities of others. It expresses less than reverence and veneration, which regard elders and superiors; whereas respect may regard juniors and inferiors.
Respect regards the qualities of the mind, or the actions which characterize those qualities.
Seen without awe, and serv'd without respect.
3. That deportment or course of action which proceeds from esteem; regard; due attention; as, to treat a person with respect.
These same men treat the sabbath with little respect.
4. Good will; favor.
The Lord had respect to Abel and his offering. Gen. 4.
5. Partial regard; undue bias to the prejudice of justice; as the phrase, respect of persons. 1Peter 1. James 2. Prov. 24.
6. Respected character; as persons of the best respect in Rome.
7. Consideration; motive in reference to something.
Whatever secret respects were likely to move them -
8. Relation; regard; reference; followed by of, but more properly by to.
They believed but one Supreme Deity, which, with respect to the benefits men received from him, had several titles.

IMO- people are willing to "respect" any opinion that does not claim to be exclusive. You may believe that "Matrix" is a good explanation for our universe and people will say, hmm, interesting. But if you say, the Bible is absolute truth and the Creator God is in control of all things and we are expected to obey Him. This is hateful and intolerant. There is no denying that horrific events in history were directly caused by misplaced religious zeal, but that does not mean we condemn the institution of religion. There are many horrible doctors out there, that doesn't mean I reject medicine. Yet, that is the logic I often here for rejecting Christianity. There are too many hypocrites in churches! Well, then one more won't hurt :11:
Don't tell me what is wrong with the sinful people in the churches, tell me what you have found wrong with the Savior?

It is God we will all answer to one day, not the hypocrites. We better find out Who he is and what He wants and then do it!
Just my nickle,
Have a great day, but then almost none of you are up yet.

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